~Chapter 1 - Welcome~

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When Calypso opened her eyes she laid on a large white bed that smelled like a man. She instantly sat up, scared that HYDRA had done some other experiment on her. A sharp pain in her lower abdomen made her lay back down.
She inhaled and exhaled a few times before standing up and trying to balance her wobbly legs. She slowly walked to the door.

She remembered vaguely the events from the night before. A man in a red, blue and white suit had saved her and brought her somewhere, only she fell asleep in the car.

She slowly turned the knob and opened the door. She noticed that she was wearing a very large oversized black tee-shirt and a pair of women's yoga shorts that were too big on her. She walked out the door and a hall led her too a really big and expensive looking living room. There sat five people on the large couch. Four men and one women.

She tried to say something but her voice was not cooperating. All of them turn around at the same time. She waves shyly and points at her throat.

"Calypso, come sit. We need to talk to you." The man named Steve said. She hesitates but walks with some difficulty to the couch and sits down. All five of them stare at her. "We need to know more about you. We really need to know why HYDRA was so interested in you." Steve asks. Calypso clears her throat with difficulty.

"Could I at least know your names first?" She says her voice half way back. Steve nods trying to hide his small smile at her sass.

"Tony." He says pointing at the man that was wearing glasses. "Sam" he says pointing at the man that had the mechanical wings. "Natasha." He says pointing the women with red hair. "And Rhodey." He says pointing a man she's never seen before. She nods.

"I can't remember much..from the past I mean..before HYDRA.." her fingers brush the green necklace around her neck. "I only remember that this was given to me by someone important..i just can't remember who..or why.." she whispers softly. They nod softly.

"Listen..you're past isn't really as important as why HYDRA needs and wants you so bad." The man named Tony retorted. Calypso glared at him. She was about to stand up and possibly punch him in the face but Steve put a hand on her shoulder.

"That was not necessary." Sam answered. Calypso took a deep breath.

"I don't know ok? I don't know why they want me so much, or why I'm worth so much. I'm not worth anything and yet they still value me as if I was Superman or something.." she mumbles. "All I remember is..at 14 i was in a dark street alone..and this man came and saved me. Only he was from HYDRA..that's all I remember." She says before starting to fall into a coughing fit. Steve softly rubs her back. She smiles. At that moment a man walked into the kitchen that was attached to the living room. He was tall, had long hair, really beautiful and captivating blue eyes and a metal arm. His left arm to be precise. She stares up.

"Morning Bucky." Steve smiles. Bucky..Bucky she had heard that name somewhere before. And it hit her. The winter soldier, also had been captivated by HYDRA. She made eye contact with the man. As soon as he saw her his expression became sort of shocked. She stood up slowly.

"Could I..maybe take a shower?" She asks softly. She felt filthy. They nod.

"I'll show her the bathrooms." Bucky's rough vice said. Calypso looked up, scared a little. She nods softly and starts walking with Bucky beside her. She walks but her legs give out, her knees can't support her weight anymore and she collided against the wall. Bucky instantly, by reflex, let his metal arm slip around her waist to support her. His flesh arm was holding onto her right arm. "Hey...you ok?" Bucky asks softly. She shivers, his metal arm was rather cold. She nods.

"I..i just haven't regained my complete strength yet.." she mumbles trying to ignore a new feeling erupting in her lower stomach. He nods and helps her walk towards the bathrooms. She sits on the toilet seat. "Thank you.." she mumbles. He nods.

"Do you uh..-do you need anything else?" He asks scratching the back of his neck. She shakes her head.
"I don't think I do..thanks.." she says smiling as he left and closed the door. She turned the water on, pouring herself a nice bath. She hasn't taken a bath in ages. Literally. She lets the bath fill up and she carefully strips from her clothing. She notices a few bruises here and there and she finds it weird that some of her wounds still haven't completely healed. She shakes her head and slowly steps inside the bath sighing from the satisfaction of the warm water sulking her skin.

She lays there for about fifteen minutes, just relaxing. Then she washed her body and hair. She realized she really needs a haircut.

Once out and dry she slips on the same large tee and underwear. She searches for the shorts but couldn't  find them.
She sighs and opens the door as quietly as possible.

"Hey! Calypso isn't it?" A tall male with blondish hair said. She nods softly.

"I'm Clint. It's nice to know you're part of the team now." He smiles patting her back and leaving down the hallway. She had a confused expression.

"Part of the team..?" She whispered to herself. She decided to search for Steve. She walked around and ended up getting lost in the huge millionaire house. She looked around. There didn't seem to be any sighs of life so she turned around but bumped into something hard and ended up dropping her towel and dirty underwear on the ground. She looks up and sees him. Bucky. Again. "Sorry..I didn't hear you..I..yeah.." she says as she blushes slightly. He smiles and picks up her towel and hands it to her not noticing the underwear that is all ripped and just dead. "Thanks.." She says. He nods and with that leaves the room.
Bucky Barnes didn't really like to conversate much after those seventy years with HYDRA.
All the torture and the bad things he's been through just so he could obey orders. Orders that had nothing to do with his previous life or his decisions. Just destiny decided he would be the one at stake. And his insecurities came along with HYDRA.
And that's what they feed on. Insecurities. They take your vulnerability and turn it against you. Using you as a weapon.
And that's exactly how Calypso felt. She softly caressed the chain around her neck and really tried hard to remember who gave it to her but no memories appeared. And so she gave up and went back upstairs to find Steve once more.
Heyyyy ok so I don't wanna confuse u guys. Basically this is the first official chapter. The other parts of the story was basically Calypso's back story and how her life was before she officially joined the Avengers. So yeah, hope you enjoyedddd!!!
Love youzzzzz

Broken ~ Bucky BarnesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora