~ The Story pt2 ~

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"Hold on tight, little one.." he whispers while picking up his hammer and looking at Loki. A sudden sound of thunder I was heard once again and the light was too bright for the young girl to keep her eyes open.

Only a few seconds later she opened her eyes and she was no longer on the same planet. She held onto the red capped man like her life depended on it. He smiles softly while Loki, on the other hand, kept his eyes peeled. He made sure she was just an innocent ten year old little girl.

"My name is Thor. You should maybe tell me yours." He says softly. Loki scoffs and goes inside the gigantic castle that was facing Calypso's back. She stares at him. "Come on, little one. I cannot help you if i do not know your name." He says even softer.

"I'm Calypso.." she says softly. She wasn't in the mood for speaking but it didn't look like she had much of a choice. Thor smiles at her.

"Come, I will have you meet my parents. They will help you, ok?" He says standing up. Her tiny hand grabs his huge one out of reflex. Thor looks down at her and smiles while walking her inside the castle. He arrive in a big hall room where a chair sat at the end of the hall. He made it there and a man with white hair and matching beard sat there calmly with his eyes closed.  "Father, we must talk." Thor said out loud. Calypso hid behind his huge figure while still holding onto his hand. The man opened his eyes.

"Thor, my son! Where have you and Loki been?" His loud voice boomed scaring the young child. His gaze lowers and he sees the girl hiding behind his son. "Who is this..?" He asks softly.

"Father, I have been at Moondoor with brother and everything was in flames. Almost everyone was dead. We found her all alone on the street." He explains softly pulling Calypso in front of him, to show her off to his father.

"Why in heavens is she covered in blood?!" He asks desperately. He stands up. Calypso takes a step back bumping into Thor.

"Father we found her like this. She has probably been through hell. There's no need to yell." Thor says calmly. At that same moment his mother, Frigga, walked in graciously. "Mother." Thor bows his head slightly. She smiles and approaches Calypso.

"Hello there..what do I call you..?" She asks softly to her. Calypso hides her face in Thor's cape. Frigga smiles.

"Her name is Calypso, Mother." Thor smiles. Frigga softly taps the child's shoulder. Calypso turns to look at the mother. "You can trust us, little one." Thor smiles.

"Come. I will give you a bath and change you from your filthy clothing, yes? I won't hurt you, Calypso. I promise." Frigga smiled. The child looked up at her and grabbed Frigga's hand. Odin, Thor's Father, stared in slight awe. He did not completely understand the situation.
Frigga walks the young girl to the big bathrooms. She runs a warm bath and helps her rid of her dress. She cleans off all the blood that was left on her body, and washed her hair thoroughly.

A few hours had passed and Calypso now knew the rooms on the second floor. She had a room to herself and Frigga had showed her where Thor and Loki's room were. She memorized it pretty quickly.
At the moment, Calypso sat near the big window in her now called room. She was trying to forget about the events from the pervious hours. She then heard a faint meow of a cat. She looks at her door. No sign of a cat. She stands up and follows the noise. It lead her all the way to Loki, the long black haired man's room.
And there it was; a small baby black cat. She approached it quietly and pet its head. Suddenly Loki walked into his room scaring both the cat and Calypso.

"What are you doing here..?" Loki asks trying to sound soft and calm. Calypso jumps slightly and stands up quickly. The cat runs off and she was scared. The girl looks up at Loki and shakes her head. "Words. I do not speak sign language." Loki sighs going up to his bed and sitting on it. Calypso sighs softly.

"Mister...? Why did you try to kill me on Moondoor..?" She asks softly. He looks at her and couldn't help but smile.

"Loki. Call me Loki." He answers, completely ignoring her question. She stares up at him still waiting on a reason, an explanation on why he had intended to kill her. Loki sighs. "I saw you kill that boy." He starts. Calypso looses their eye contact and stares at her feet. "And I don't know why you did what you did, but I saw myself in you. I was forced to do something like that when I was younger." He says. Calypso nods. She did not want to speak about what happened. "Listen..if you ever need to speak about it, or just let some emotions through, you can always come to my door ok?" He says. For some reason Loki had grown to care slightly for the child in the few hours that she had been in Asgard.
Calypso nodded and went to search for that black cat.


Calypso is now 14 years old. She has been in Asgard for 4 years and she loves her life here.
Odin has been teaching her how to fight. Up until now she is the top of her class.
It was the end of the year, and the award ceremony of the best and most hardworking fighter.

"It is in my complete honour to announce this year's award goes to.." he opened the small folded piece of cloth. "Calypso Moondoor." He smiles. Calypso walks up and grabs her small gemstone that is considered as a trophy.

Once received she ran inside to find Thor and Loki. She had only found Thor.
"Thor! Thor! Look! Look! I have won the gem!" She giggles running towards him. He smiles picking her up with his strong arms.

"Well done, little one. I am very proud of you. All of your hard work has paid off." He smiled at her. She nods.

"Have you seen Loki? I would like to show him as well!" She smiles as Thor puts her down. He nods.

"The horses and the lake." He did not have to say anything more, Calypso knew exactly where her big brother was.
Heyyyy! Second chapter, hope you guys enjoyed!
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Love youzzzzz

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