~ The Story pt4 ~

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A/N: read with caution. Torture and other sensitive subjects may be mentioned in this chapter.
Yours truly. ♥️

"Thor..Loki?!" She called out. People bumped into her as if she wasn't even there. They gave her weird and non normal looks. She ran into a near by dark street. A figure approached her.

"Why hello there, child." A mischievous voice said lowly

Calypso looked up.
"Will you help me..? I'm lost..and I cannot find my brothers." She whimpers. The man smiles and squat down besides her.

"I will help you. Don't worry. Come with me." He expands a hand as she grabs it. She smiles softly up at him. "Tell me, what's your name?" He asks looking down at him.

"Calypso." She answers. He smirks.

"Calypso..hail hydra.." he whispers.


Calypso has been with Hydra for four years. Four miserable years. Four years filled with torture, pain, miserable emotions. Just awful things. She had been brainwashed many times and tried to escape once, it did not end well. A hard gun collided with the back of her head and she ended up in the same room she was in the first time she had gotten there. She had forgotten some of her past memories because of that stupid gun impact.

She had basically become a soldier for HYDRA. A very powerful one. They had done experiences on her. Trying to get her to heal quicker than a normal human being, to which they succeeded. She did not heal as fast as a super hero on tv but she healed much quicker than a normal person.

She was sent, today, on a mission to kill a certain Bobby Turnon. She didn't hesitate to shoot him in between his eyes and throw his body into the river at three in the morning.
Once finished, she quickly got on her motorcycle and quickly drove back to the HYDRA quarantine.
She had arrived and went inside reporting her mission as completed.

"Soldier, good mission. You will have the rest of the day tomorrow off in your room. Go." The man that had captured her four years ago answered. She gave him a slight nod and went up to her, what he called room, but what was more to her of a chamber. She sighed. She hoped what he said was true, she could really use a break.
She also wants to break out, run away, just get out, but she can't. And if she did, she would get badly punished. Not that she didn't get punished already.

Calypso didn't consider herself as a strong girl. Nor mentally or physically. She had a small window in her room to which she could pass her whole body through and escape. And she has had this idea for the longest of times.

The next day, the day she had off, she was trying to get rid of the metal grate that separated her from the outside world. She was able to and half of her body was outside when something grabbed her ankles and pulled her inside. She yelps and collided harshly with the cold ground. She groans.

"Trying to escape I see.." Radov, the man, said. "You will have to be punished." He smirks, getting an idea on he could torture her this time. Looking at her he smiles. "You can take turns having her." He said leaving the room. She whimpered. All but one of the Russian scientists leave the room. She wanted to plead, to beg him to not do anything to her, but she was too busy panicking. He straddled her waist with both of his legs and slowly stripped her shirt and bra off. He smiles, letting his yellow teeth show.

"Please..p-please dont do this to me.." she pleaded trying to use her hands to cover herself up. Another guard came in and held her arms down as the other man stripped her from all of her clothing. She cried, not knowing what else she could really do. She felt his body shift on her lower body and he just took away the bit of innocence she had left. One by one the seven scientists take away all the innocence that could've been left. Just as the seventh one was getting ready as the other six watched, the door swung open.
Everything happened too quickly for Calypso to really comprehend. All six of the the soldiers were knocked out and the seventh one on top of her was pulled away and a sound of a crack indicated that he had died. She quickly tried to crawl to a corner and cover herself as best as she could.

"Please don't hurt me..please..I..-I'll do anything.." she cried softly in a small ball covering what she could of herself. She looked up and there stood a man in a red, blue and white suite. He carried a shield with his left hand. "P-please.." she whispered. He looked at her and he looked at her with sorrow. He went around and found a large shirt, the men had ripped her clothing basically, and handed it to him.

"I won't hurt you..I'm getting you out of here." He says softly. She nods and slips the shirt on quickly. She tries to stand up to reach the mans eye level at least but her legs are too weak and she almost falls. She falls into the mans arms, who lifted her up with ease holding bridal style. She didn't even try to argue to walk, she had no energy to. He ran with her through the hallways and the doors. There were other people fighting as well. A man in a metal suit, a women with red hair and a black leather suit, another man with mechanical wings. She just held onto the shield man as he ran outside and into the trees.
He arrived in front of a few black cars, he puts her in the passengers seat of the first one and gets in the drivers seat.

"I'm Rogers. Steve Rogers." He says starting the car. She looked up at him.

"Calypso..Calypso Crawn.." she whispered her voice giving out half way through her name. She had no energy left at all. She shivered and hugged her arms. Steve looks over at her and noticed. He reaches behind and grabs an anti-shock blanket and carefully puts it on her almost bare body. She smiles tired.

Steve starts driving and instantly Calypso falls into a deep slumber.
Fourth chapter!! Hope you enjoyed!
Love youzzzzzz!!!

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