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Evan sighed

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Evan sighed.

He scratched his neck nervously, before putting a smirk on his face, and turning to me.

'Hey, beautiful.'

And so he returns.

I groaned.

'Whatever. Listen, you seen a girl around here?' I asked him carefully.

'Yeah.' He smiled.


I grumbled. 'Not me you idio-'

He cut me off.

'I did see this brunette in a biker jacket dropping Mr.Stallone over there'

He pointed to the corner table, in which a middle-aged man
( that looked suspiciously like Sylvester Stallone ) sat morosely.

She didn't come herself? I thought , a little saddened by the fact.

Stop it, I told myself while walking cautiously to his table.


I sat down at the table.

Sylvester ( let's just call him Sylvester ) eyed me dangerously.

'Do I know you?' He growled.

'I'm Ana-Analisa - and I'm p-pretty sure you w-wanted to s-see me ?' I stammered.

He sized me up slowly, and then held up a picture of a lanky blonde teen in a pink shirt, shorts, and high tops.

'This you?' Sylvester asked gruffly.

'Uh . . . Y-yeah?' I answered quietly.
He gave me a crooked smile.

'Boss, she's here.' He muttered.

I turned both sides before quietly whispering.

'Is she here?'

Sylvester chuckled slightly.

'Boss knows better than to do that, newbie.'

Okay, so it's newbie now, huh.

He got up slowly, looking both sides cautiously before beckoning to the exit.

'But we haven't even ordered anything! I haven't come this far to just leave!'

Giorgio's was one of the most well known restaurants in Santa Rosa.
It also used to be one of the most frequented, but that was before the mob bosses started to use it as a rendezvous, and, eventually head quarters.

Believe it or not, since I moved into Santa Rosa and heard the tales about Giorgio's, ( especially the ones from Mrs.Davis ) I had always wanted to visit the (in)famous Giorgio's.

Sylvester Stallone death-glared me.

I death-glared him back.

He gave in.

'Fine.' He slumped.

'Just one meal. On the go.'

I smiled.


The night air was warm.

My pink digital watch read 7:42. It glowed unearthishly.

'Come.' Sylvester called. He called, pointing to a 'florists' van that pulled up a second ago.

Now, kids, when a stranger asks you to get into an unnaturally large van with them, you say no.

I, however, being the idiot that I was, said yes.


This chapter is honestly so small, I feel horrible.
Literally nothing happened, except a very sassy ( and hungry ) Analisa.
*hint* she gets sassy when she's hungry/ annoyed.

I been messin' around, thanks to writing block, and my school starts again in a week.

*inserts a generic note telling you to vote and comment*

*inserts a generic goodbye*

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