an old friend

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IN a billion years, never would I have thought that  I would hear the name Lorelai Blaise, ever again

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IN a billion years, never would I have thought that I would hear the name Lorelai Blaise, ever again.

Although, if I'm being honest, I wasn't completely truthful with Detective Ramirez. I froze when she asked me about her. As a matter of fact, I did know Lorelai personally, but I left that life behind 6 years ago.

I knew why they asked. We all did.

As of today, the SFPD's top priority was finding the vigilante/mob boss who called herself 'Robyn Hoode' , and that was recently revealed to be my former best friend, Rory Blaise.

Today was exhaustive. I was rummaging through the memoirs of my past life, trying to find a connection to my vigilante ex-best friend ( as you do ) and I had the growing suspicion that I was being watched.

AmoI found an old picture frame with a photo of two girls in their teenage years. One had raven black hair that was cut sharp, and raggedly, and the other had strawberry-blonde hair that was curled and kept neatly.

In terms of appearance, they couldn't more diverse. The blonde had perky features, bright blue eyes, and porcelain- toned skin. The dark- haired beauty had olive-toned skin, a sharp nose and twinkling brown eyes that held a glint of mischief. I let my eyes roam over the writing on the bottom of the frame. 'Happy birthday Ana!' 


Someone knocked on the door harshly, startling me from my thoughts. I was about to swing it open, like I always do, but given the recent events in my life, I decided to use the peephole to check out who it was.

'Detective Ramirez?' I blurted, while opening the door for the brunette .

'Please, Call me Beca.' She closed the door behind her. 'Listen, Analisa -' She started. I cut her off. ' It's Ana.  And please, take a seat.' She sat down on a teal armchair. She looked around at my studio apartment. 'I know, right ?' I giggled.' I can't believe it either. '

Living in a studio apartment in San Francisco had been an absolute dream. Sure, I only had one bedroom ( But with a queen size bed, mind you, ) a small kitchenette, and a living room, but I could decorate it with all my 90's pop posters and pastel furniture. It was definitely better than... there.

I shook off my thoughts, and noticed Detecti- I mean, Beca,  staring at me. 

'So?' I asked Beca. 'You wanted to inform me of something?' Beca sighed. 'Yes.' She motioned to the second armchair next to her. ' You might want to sit down for this, Ana.' I did as I was told.

'Look,' she started. 'You don't look like a bad person to me.'  I shifted uncomfortably. ' Thanks.. I gues-' She interjected, blurting out something I couldn't believe. 

 ' You are... one of the prime suspects in the Tressler robbery.' 



So, who is your fave character so far? 

Beca Ramirez is awesome, right? 

Vote, an Comment lovelies!


I Knew Lorelai Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant