Chapter 14

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Alana and Dave were pleased that Anne had decided to move forward and not dwell on what is happening around her. "Anne I know you want to look for a house but I think when you get Harry back you will need our support" Alana confronted thinking her daughter shouldn't be looking for a house right now.

"Thanks mum, dad, but we need our own space You can come round every day and see us, I promise" Anne smiled gently. "If you're sure darling. You know you're welcome to stay as long as you need" Dave said hugging his daughter.

Meanwhile Harry cried after his mummy once left and worked himself up so much that he puked everywhere. Jay had been cooking dinner and had to rush over to Harry and grab a bucket.

Jay felt sorry for the young boy, the woman didn't know if letting the visits continue is good or not as Harry makes himself sick for his mummy once she leaves. Jay made it her job then to make sure that Harry is back with his mum within the next month, even if that means finding the diagnosis herself!

Jay managed to calm the boy down eventually and he had soon stopped puking after five minutes. Jay went up and bathed the small boy before putting a fresh nappy on him and got him dressed.

Jay decided to leave dinner and cuddle with Harry on the sofa, she checked the boys temperature and was happy it was normal. Jay placed a bucket by them as they sat on the sofa and watched tv. Harry snuggled into Jay as they watched tv together.

Later that evening Louis got home after Lottie and felicite picked him up from school he was all hyper to play with Harry, but was saddened when Harry was asleep on his mum. Jays husband Troy had gotten home and made dinner for everyone. Jay carefully woke the boy and changed his nappy which was dirty and slightly runny, she took the boys temperature again which is still fine.

Jay then decided to try Harry on a certain diet the next day to see if it was any allergies to food. Harry ate a small amount as to not upset his tummy again and then watched a film with Louis before bed, both of them cuddled up.

Jay did an online shop to arrive the next day and bought gluten free food, along with dairy and egg free food to see if that made a difference to Harry.


Gemma asked her mum how Harry was and when he was coming home. Anne frowned at her daughter, Gemma didn't like it. "Your brother isn't coming home.....yet. I don't know when he is to be honest but Jay, the foster mother said that she will do anything to make sure I get Harry back, even if that is to find the diagnosis herself as she is a qualified nurse" Gemma smiled, sounds like she won't have to wait long to see her brother again, well hopefully.

"Anyway" Anne started making Gemma frown again. "until we get Harry me, you, grandma and Granddad are going to look into finding a house ready for when Harry comes back to us!" Gemma clapped her hands excitedly...this is going to be awesome!


Over the next week Anne looked at houses herself finding some amazing ones but realised they were out of her price range. Anne sighed tiredly Alana telling her not to feel deflated.


Meanwhile Jay had changed Harry's diet and it seemed to work as he didn't have any bouts of vomiting over the next week. He happily watched movies with Louis and played bricks with the boy, but shook his head at playing football or anything that you run around in.

Harry had also started to grow more comfortable with Troy knowing the man was nice. When it was Saturday Jay walked to this centre with Harry where he was going to meet his mum and Gemma. Jay was going to drive but Harry said he didn't want to get in the car, so they were a bit late.

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