Chapter 2

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Louis really wanted to help the poorly boy he so had a crush on...however the nurse had come in and had sent Louis back to class...or at least tried anyway. "But I want to help like mummy showed me" Louis said "Louis that's nice but we don't know if it's contagious so we don't want you getting sick" the nurse had replied back giving a 'sorry' kind of look as the small seven year old left the toilets.

Outside the boys bathrooms Mrs Tiggs tried to get a hold of Harry's mum...but had no luck. There is no one else that she could think from the the top of her head she could get a hold of, well there is Desmond Styles but she knew the man worked all day, maybe if she waited another half hour or so while they clean Harry up she would try and reach Harry's mum again and see if this time Anne will answer.

Mrs Tiggs had another look at her work phone and saw the list of numbers she had just in case Harry got himself into any trouble and had realized they had Anne's work number as well as her mobile number, so of course she tried the number.


In the bathrooms the nurse made a start, or an attempt in better words to clean Harry up as he had a five minute break however that didn't last much to anyone's luck. Harry for some odd strange reason just couldn't stop throwing up nor could he stop from the other end no matter how much he wished for it to stop it just wouldn't for he now felt really drained and really sick and he did NOT like it. Poor Harry wanted his mummy, he wanted the pain to stop and he wanted Charlie his stuffed gray bear that he cuddled every night to get to sleep...but of course Charlie is at home not here with him.


Meanwhile back to Mrs Tiggs who has managed to get through to one of Anne's colleagues. "Abby's Nursery" the woman on the other end of the phone stated professionally. "Is Mrs Anne Styles there? I am calling from school about Harry" replied Mrs Tiggs who felt relieved that someone had finally picked up on the work phone number.


Back into the boy's bathroom Harry had by accident expelled his bowels all over the nurse's hands while she was cleaning the boy up, in all honesty little Harry thought he just needed to fart....but obviously not. (sorry) Harry whimpered, his bottom is so sore he couldn't bare it anymore and just by having an accident on the Nurse made him want to curl up and cry hugging charlie to his chest as he did so. The Nurse, or Nurse Joy shall we say felt so defeated, what could she possibly do when Harry's insides weren't behaving like they should. all went down hill from there. Nurse Joy and Mr Cannon saw the curly haired lad go limp and it was only there and then did they know that this situation is very serious indeed! Mr cannon carefully guided the boy to the floor and felt he was very hot. Harry groaned he felt terrible, well that is an understatement but let's leave it as that. Luckily though the vomiting and diarrhea had finally stopped...well for now.


In the hallway Mrs Tiggs heard the voices changed on the phone meaning that she is now talking to Anne Styles. Mrs Tiggs told Anne everything to the moment Harry asked to go to the bathroom after being dropped off, to the part where Harry hasn't stopped emptying his body contents none say that Anne is fuming seemed to be the easiest way of putting it. Anne had left her husband to check up on her baby boy for she had to go to work.

Never and when she say's never she means NEVER is she going to let Des check up on Harry ever again. Anne hung up and gathered her things, she had a very sick little boy to get to! Anne quickly told her colleague she had to go for there is a family emergency and rushed to her car before setting off to her son's school. Anne. is. Angry. SEETHING with unwanted anger. How dare her son be taken to school the way he is and be left there as if nothing is wrong!


At this moment in time Harry is finally breathing normally and is very close to falling asleep due to tiredness and stress that has taken over his small body. He felt so weak, so vulnerable and so sick that he felt clammy and claustrophobic. Harry kept blinking his eyes open, tears threatening to fall yet again, he felt so miserable but that didn't last long for his heart leaped when his Mummy came into his line of vision where his head is laid across Mr Cannon's lap.

Anne couldn't believe the sight of her poor baby. The woman got down on the floor and instantly started to comfort her sick child which Harry replied by snuggling into his mum. They waited a little while longer before any of them even attempted to help Harry to the car. None of them cared that they where going outside looking like their dinner had exploded on them, they just needed to get the small boy home. Anne asked the nurse to grab the blue and red picnic blanket she had from the boot along with telling Nurse Joy to put it on Harry's car seat for just in case reasons before setting the boy down in his car seat and slowly driving home.

Luckily there weren't too many accidents on the way home for Harry had thankfully slept through most of it, but unfortunately did vomit slightly and slept through the diarrhea.


When Anne pulled into her drive she quickly unlocked and opened her front door before rushing back to the car to get her baby boy out of the car. Harry woke up at the movement and sickly looked up at his mummy. "I just need to clean you up baby boy then you can go back to sleep okay?" Harry said nothing and just leaned his head back on his mummy's shoulder, closing his eyes not to go to sleep but to shut the light out from his eyes.

Anne laid Harry down in the upstairs bathroom on a towel, she then ran a bath for Harry making it slightly colder than she normally would. Harry laid on the towel whimpering as he was laid on his back.


At school Mr cannon felt sorry for the boy as he got a cleaner to clean the bathroom. He was sent home to get changed as he ended up with some puke and diarrhea on his trousers.


Harry meanwhile is now in the bath getting washed by his mummy with a gentle wash cloth, for now the sickness from both sides have stopped thankfully. Pulling the plug out Anne picked Harry up out of the bath and wrapped him in a fluffy towel.

Anne laid Harry down on the floor and went quickly to the other room to see if she had any nappies still in her cupboard...You see her 18 month old nephew came to stay for a few nights a couple of weeks ago hence the nappies and baby supplies, luckily she managed to find a whole stash of nappies. She grabbed one and gently put one on a now sleeping Harry before carefully placing the her baby boy into bed. Anne made sure Harry was asleep, had his comfort items and there was a bucket by the side of his bed before she went down and phoned her husband who she is absolutely fuming with!


Desmond Styles is was on his lunch break eating a Greggs sausage and bean pasty with a cup of coffee and in all relaxing before going back to work....that is until his phone started going off from where he had left it on his desk. "Hunny? What is wrong?" Desmond asked worriedly and confused. "WHAT'S wrong? WHAT'S WRONG! I will tell you whats wrong Des, our son is so sick and it's all your bloody fault! I told you this morning to check on him and what did you do? You bloody sent him to school just for me to get a phone call an hour later saying that our son has thrown up absolutely everywhere and has extreme diarrhea!" Anne practically shouted down the phone but quietly as Harry is asleep.

"Yeah so?" Des questioned really confused, the boy was fine this morning, or so his mind told him. "He was perfectly fine this morning" Des retorted back. "Yeah you call force feeding your son his breakfast being fine? That's one of the signs to say he doesn't feel well and you practically made him feel worse! You know what I ain't having this argument now I have a sick boy to attend to and don't forget to pick up Gemma!" With that the phone line dropped dead leaving a very frustrated Anne and a very angry Des.

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