Chapter 30

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Today was Saturday and the nurse was going to escort Harry, Anne and Jay to the local park. Unbeknown to Harry everyone would be joining him there.

Anne picked Harry up and placed the boy in the wheelchair and made sure they had bowls and nappies packed for the boy in case he had any episodes. Harry was happy to finally leave the hospital room for a while. He waited patiently for Jay and Anne to be ready and help him, pushing the wheelchair for him. "Where we going, mummy? Wanna see the park!" Harry asked, bouncing on the wheelchair seat. "Almost ready, baby" Anne said, picking up the last few bits. Once ready, they went on their way out.

Anne pushed harry in the wheelchair. The nurse grabbed the last few bits they needed and then they left and walked or pushed to the local park. Harry beamed as he sat in the wheelchair. Anne was relieved as she thought Harry may put up a fight being in the chair. Harry looked at everything around him. He even waved at a few people passing next to him who waved back at him, making him smile. He felt free even when having to use a wheelchair to be moved around. "How much longer, mummy?" He asked halfway to the park. "Halfway there, baby" Anne replied, smiling at Harry's excitement.

"Ok mummy." harry said. They continued to walk to the park getting looks every now and then but harry just ignored them. Once there, Anne walked into the park, looking for the spot everyone agreed on meeting at. Harry was distracted, looking everywhere but his front, that he didn't notice all his loved ones together in front of him. It didn't last longer, though. Once Louis, Fizzy, Lottie, Gemma and his cousins saw him, they all went running to hug him. Harry squealed and bounced, kicking his legs in excitement. He had missed everyone so much.

"Can everyone give harry some space while I get him out of the chair?" Anne said. Everyone did and Anne picked her boy up being careful of his PN which was running and sat the boy on the floor. Harry liked sitting on the floor but soon ended up lying on it. All the kids laid next and around him forming a circle. Gemma and Louis being the ones on each of his sides. They all enjoyed the nice weather. Harry smiled looking at her sister and bestfriend on each of his sides. "Me missed everyone so much!" Harry suddenly shouted loudly and happily. Everyone smiled at him.

Harry was enjoying being outside and with everyone. Soon, Anne sat behind Harry as he struggled to sit up unsupported. The kids rolled a ball to each other gently. The adults all joined in on the game and everyone was smiling and having a good time. Harry leaned back against his mum for support of his body as he played with everyone. He was all smiles and laughter the whole time. Everyone was happy to see him in a good mood.

Soon they stopped as everyone was saying they were hungry. So, they got the picnic ready. Harry just cuddled to his mum as everyone ate, as he wasn't eating orally yet. He smiled.

"Harry, why don't you have a nap while everyone eats?" Jay suggested. Harry shook his head. "Not sleepy, Jay Jay. Thank'oo" he said smiling at her. He stayed watching everyone from his mum's arms. He was really happy, having everyone together and around him again. He snuggled more into his mum. Anne smiled down at him and kissed his forehead. Harry smiled back and continued watching everyone else.

After everyone had eaten they went to feed the ducks. Anne got Harry back in the wheelchair and a few of them were fighting over pushing Harry. "I will push Harry" Anne said to stop the arguments. Everyone nodded as they walked towards the pond. Gemma, Louis, Lottie and Fizzy walked next to Harry. And when they reached the pond, they offered to help him feed the ducks. Harry was happy about that and nodded at their offer. They all enjoyed the moment together. "Thank'oo!" Harry said when they finished helping him.

Everyone smiled. Anne could tell harry was growing tired so she decided it was time to head back. She told Harry to say bye as it was time to go. Harry nodded and everyone hugged him. "Bye bye. See 'oo soon" Harry said tiredly and sleepily at everyone. Anne, Jay, the nurse and him walked back to the hospital and the rest to each of their houses.

As Anne wheeled the wheelchair back to the hospital, Harry fell asleep in the chair, exhausted from his day out. Anne kept an eye on the boy and stopped every so often to check on the boy. They arrived at the hospital and, between her and Jay, put Harry back in bed for him to sleep more comfortable. Harry slept peacefully for a long while, letting them rest too.

Harry woke up around 9 pm "How you feeling, Hazzie?" Anne asked him. "Me good, mummy" Harry said and snuggled against her, still a little sleepy. He smiled up at his mum. Anne smiled down at him and kissed his forehead. It didn't last long, though. As soon as he moved a little, his stomach jolted and vomit came with full force out of his mouth. He whimpered at the sudden action. Anne quickly woke Jay up, asking for her help.

Jay grabbed a bowl in case the boy needed to vomit more, which he did as they buzzed for a nurse. The nurse came in. Harry vomited for around ten minutes before he stopped. They cleaned Harry up and then the nurse did Harry's vitals. "How is he? Is he ok?" Anne asked worried about her baby. She was doubting about his vitals being fine because of seeing how much and for how long Harry vomits every time. She couldn't have proof for her doubts, though. As they hadn't been informed about them any time the nurses had checked them.

"They are stable. Don't worry about the vomiting, Anne. As that is part of Harry's condition, I'm afraid." The nurse said. Anne sighed and nodded as she cuddled the boy. "I'm just worried. I can't understand how anyone could keep their vitals stable after losing so much with the vomiting. Shouldn't they be affected too? Not that I'm wishing it for him. I'm just curious" Anne said.

"Not necessarily we are keeping a close eye on it. But, Harry is attached to fluids, meds and his TPN now too" the nurse said. Anne nodded and continued to cuddle Harry. Harry went back to sleep in her arms. Anne kissed his forehead, smiling at him.

The nurse left and Jay told Anne to get some sleep too. So, Anne shut her eyes and fell asleep. Jay kept an eye on Harry as she messaged her husband. Troy was messaging Jay, when Louis came up to him. "Mummy on phone?" He asked Troy. "Yes Lou, I'm messaging Mummy." Troy said. "Can I, daddy?" Louis asked. "Sure, I'll help you" Troy said and sat Louis on his lap, before helping him send a message to Jay.

"Mummy give Hazzie uddle rom me ' Louis messaged. Jay smiled when she received it. "Harry is asleep, but I will when he wakes up" Jay replied. As harry slept, she was glad harry was going home to his real mum but knew louis would be heartbroken. "When can me see Hazzie 'gain? Miss 'im" Louis sent her. "I will ask, baby. Hopefully soon" Jay replied feeling heartbroken for the heartbreak Louis would feel once Harry goes back to his family after the hospitalization. But, she knew Louis and Harry would see each other at school and she would plan reunions with Anne for the families to see each other frequently. After all, they had built up a strong bond during these hard times.

She felt like Harry, Anne and Gemma were like family too. Harry paled in his sleep. Jay was lost in thought to notice. Harry whined loudly and jolted up, throwing up forcefully. Anne woke up and helped him, putting the bin under his chin. Jay came to realization of what was happening and rushed herself to help Anne with Harry. "Sorry, sorry. I got lost in my thoughts" She apologised. "It's ok. I think we all are having those times" Anne said as they helped Harry. Jay called for a nurse to help them too.

Harry also had an explosion and Anne comforted the boy. They soon changed him once harry was done. The nurse then changed the sheets. Anne comforted and cuddled Harry, holding him in her arms. Once the bed was ready, Anne laid with Harry on the bed. She kissed his forehead as he snuggled into her side. Jay smiled at them, sitting next to the bed and holding one of Harry's hand. She went back into her deep thoughts from before. Jay soon drifted off to sleep as it was getting late and luckily harry slept through the night. 

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