A Friend of Dorothy

Start from the beginning

I began to turn with the intention of fleeing to my room but Zacky was too quick for me. "Oh no you don't," he said grabbing my elbow and tugging me along with him to join the group around Matt.

We were halfway across the patio when I heard Brian's voice, "Oh for fuck's sake, I thought she was on a date." I stopped in my tracks and turned toward him.

"Oh shit," Zacky muttered and yanked on my elbow to try and get me moving again. I remained fixed in place. Even though I was focused on Brian I was aware of Zacky looking toward the group around Matt for help. Johnny stood up and ambled over as I said brightly to Brian, "Date's over but thanks for your interest."

"Brian!" Steph exclaimed and elbowed him. She was almost as drunk as he was. She turned to me her eyes bright with excitement. "How was it? How was the date?"

"Come on Caitie. Give us all the details!" Cathy agreed enthusiastically.

"It's over pretty early, it can't have been that good," Brian mumbled. Zacky coughed and my attention was drawn to Johnny who teased, "So, Caitie. You went on a date huh? So tell Uncle Johnny all about it. Is it true lurve?"

I couldn't help laughing although Brian's glaring was seriously pissing me off. "No Johnny, I don't think it's true lurve as you so eloquently put it. Henry and I have a few fundamental differences that stand in the way of a future love match."

Johnny's eyes went wide and he spluttered, "Henry? You went on a date with Henry? That's the guy that Matt has his panties in a bunch over?"

Zacky grinned and I dropped my head to hide my own smile. "Hey fuckhead," Johnny called to Matt, "You're pissed because Caitie went out with a gay guy?"

"Henry's gay?" Steph and Cathy chorused their disappointment. They both looked like they wanted to hug out my dating bad luck. I took a step back, not feeling the need for a ritualistic feminine bonding moment, and bounced off a wall of flesh.

"Henry's gay?" Matt growled over my shoulder.

I tilted my head to look up at him. "He is," I confirmed.

"Did you know before you went out with him?" The line between his eyebrows was so deep it was like the Grand Canyon.

"No," I answered truthfully.

"What a fuckin' asshole. Henry and I are going to be having words." I could feel Matt puff up behind me as if testosterone was inflating his body. I spun around to look at him. My shoulder bashed into his chest he was so close but he didn't move.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Don't be an idiot Matt. He didn't lead me on. I never thought it was a romantic type date. If you're going to be having words with anyone you might want to throw a few Zacky's way. He knew Henry's gay and didn't say anything!" I unceremoniously threw Zacky under the bus.

Zacky looked skyward and sighed as Matt glared at him. "Pretty sure you're an adult Caitie, you can look after yourself."

I tried to turn back toward Zacky but Matt's arm around my waist had me held in place. "Thank-you Zacky I am!"

"Hey..." Matt started to speak but Brian chose that moment to interject. "Why the fuck are we even having this fucking conversation in the first place?"

Just like that the atmosphere changed. Gone was the slightly pointed banter and here came the blow-up that Zacky had obviously seen coming.

"Woah. Come on Brian. There's no need for that," Johnny said gamely and looked around for Lacey. The baby on her hip was as good a reason as any for her to stay well back.

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