Chapter 33

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A/N: Hey guys, I won't be publishing anymore of the 'past' accounts of Alex's life now that you know his story. Of course, after a while, he'll discover it and this will be in the present. Enjoy! 

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I yawn sleepily and roll over in my bed, reaching over to smack the alarm clock quiet. 4:30 AM. Fuck me, it's too early for this. Why am I getting myself into this? I rub my eyes firmly, trying to remove the traces of sleep from my face, yawning all the while.

When I remove my hands and my vision focuses, Aro is standing by my bed. "Jesus Christ!" I jump, shooting out of bed and shivering with my arms crossed, my shorts and t-shirt leaving a lot of skin exposed.

I wish he'd stop doing that. Since I installed that alarm clock, he's developed a habit of standing creepily by the bed as soon as it beeps. It nearly gave me a heart attack the first time he did it. I suppose it's his way of spiting me for replacing him with a more modern and effective way of waking me up in the mornings.

I glare at him as he looms, of course already dressed in his usual suit and tie. "It is time to get up." He says, the most obvious statment in the world and I retaliate with a fake smile. "Clearly." I snark back, and head to the bathroom.

He follows of course, holding my folded outfit in his arms, which is an appropiate shirt and shorts, since today is the day of our holiday to Greece. We enter the shower room and I set the water on before undressing to Aro's sick delight.

I let him stand there and observe until I get down to my pants, before turning around and folding my arms. "Get out." I demand, retrieving the outfit from his arms and laying it on the bench.

Aro sighs dramatically and reaches towards me with outstretched hands, longingly. "One day," He runs a long finger down my cheek. "One day, you will give yourself to me." He declares and I give an irritated bitchy smile. "Of course, I will." I push against his chest to ward him off but as usual, he refuses to move, too strong for me.

'Fine. Just leave, whenever you're ready.' Richard jokes as Aro reluctantly backs out of the room. As soon as he steps out, I close the door tightly and remove my pants, stepping underneath the warm water in the shower.

I begin to wash myself, scrubbing quickly, reminded that we have to leave at five o'clock to get to the airport for half six. Already, after that trip, I'll be exhausted. I'll be wandering Greece while practically sleep walking.

'You'd better ask Aro nicely if he'll hold you up.' Richard laughs harshly as I rinse away the shower gel and halfheartedly get my hair wet, not bothering to wash it. I'll do that in the hotel room tonight.

I switch the water off and leave the shower cubicle. I walk around the corner to grab my towel, and as I reach the bench, Aro is sitting in the steamy area. He would have been invisible to me if it wasn't for that dark suit of his.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I instantly cup my crotch to protect my modesty, glaring at him as he smiles away, manically, clearly pleased with himself. "For fuck's sake, Aro." I snatch the towel from underneath him and wrap it around myself, keeping him from feasting his eyes on me.

I secure the towel and fold my arms across my chest. "How many times do I have to tell you not to sneak in on me?" I glare at him in the hope he'll get the message but instead he just smiles calmly and pulls out a packet from his pocket.

"You forgot to take your medicine." He justifies, holding it out towards me, for me to take. I sigh, almost rolling my eyes at his statement. 'He made an excuse as to why he snuck in. Classic.' Richard snarls and I hear Sandee repeat his words. 'Classsssiiic.' She giggles and I shake my head frantically to ward them off.

Aro notices and lifts his hand to my chin, stroking it with his fingers. "You see?" He says in a soft voice. "You need to take it." He coaxes the pills into my mouth, and out of nowhere produces a glass of water for me to wash them down with.

I swallow in one gulp and hand him the glass back. "There. Now please leave, Aro. I need to get dressed. We haven't got time for this." I gesture towards the door to give him the message and he gives a sigh. "Alright then." He slowly gets to his feet to irritate me.

"Hurry then." He smiles, the hypocrite and leaves like a flash, leaving the door to slam shut.


"I can't believe we are doing this." Aro smiles excitedly as he lugs our luggage across the airport, as if it weighs nothing while I huff and puff unhealthily carrying just my rucksack full of books to occupy me on the three hour flight.

I roll my eyes at Aro's enthusiasm, it's only Greece after all, however, I do remember that he comes from Greece in the BC years. 'I hope he's realised that Greece has changed over the years since he's been back.' Richard sighs seriously and I almost nod in agreement.

"Aro..." I start as we reach the terminal. He continues through the terminal on the way to the plane excitedly, but gives me a look over his shoulder to acknowledge me. "Yes, darling?" He smiles happily as we reach the steps up to the plane.

"Aro, stop." I clamp a hand over his shoulder to prevent him from moving any further. He drops the suitcase and turns to face me. 'Be compassionate. Be sweet to him.' Richard reminds and I take a few seconds to breathe normally.

"Aro, you need to prepare yourself. Greece has changed a lot since you last went there. Things will look a bit different." I explain quietly so only he hears me.

He frowns for a second, frozen with his hands on the railings to the steps, until he blinks a few times and smiles calmly. "I see. Well let's go and see it in the modern era then shall we?" He rushes up into the plane before I can say another word and I sigh, noticing his black suit he's wearing and thinking about Greece's hot climate.

"Yes, off we go. But first....I think we'll have to change your outfit. We need to make you look human."

Remember: Alex and Aro (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now