Chapter 44

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Vampire ambush. Not sure why or where they came from, only that they'd intended to kill Aro and maybe me too. Aro had managed to kill one of them, a young looking man with blonde hair, who had started the outburst that caused the plane to crash after the pilots were killed. Caius upon hearing this, has started asking Aro numerous questions, eventually spilling, maybe unconsciously into Italian as their conversation grows more heated with Caius' increasing concern. I know they're both thinking about Marcus, and Caius' wife. Who knows what might have happened to them since Caius left for Greece following Demetri's instruction on where Aro and I are. 

They lean over the table in the booth, their heads together as they whisper urgently, though why they whisper is a mystery; I can't speak Italian and I doubt anyone else here can. Perhaps Caius doesn't want me to hear the passion in his voice; the fact that he does care and has emotion, and feels them strongly. He wouldn't want to ruin his stony, heartless demeanour. Richard chuckles. 'Based on what I remember about your sex dream, that's not the only part of Caius that was hard as stone.' HIs laugh rips through me, loud enough I feel my ears vibrate, though I know it's just a hallucination. 

Sandee chirps agreement. "Will the two of you shut the fuck up?" I slam my glass onto the cracked table, and Aro and Caius' heads snap towards me, looking moderately annoyed. Caius gives me a warning look. I sigh, exasperated. "Not you two!" I point to my head. "These two!" Caius snorts derisively. "Someone's missing his medication." Aro lands a light hand on his shoulder in response and raises his eyebrows. "Fermati." He orders softly. Stop.

Caius gives a swift nod, but smiles. "You think you're so fucking funny." I fold my arms, my drink has gone, the glass empty now, the straw swirls around, and I twirl it out of boredom. Caius turns to me. "Are you actually talking to me this time?" I retrieve the straw and throw it at him in response, though it's so paper light like it just floats and lands on the sticky floor. Caius smirks, triumphant. Aro sighs. "Since I've chartered a plane solely for the three of us and this dingy place isn't enjoyable nor does it serve good wine, I suggest we head to the airstrip to fly home. Even if it is without your luggage." Caius stands and rebuttons his waistcoat, smoothing his hair calmly. 

"Excuse me." He pushes past me in the booth, a smirk on his face. "You've chartered a plane? Fucking bougie ass bitch." I stand too, wincing as the pain in my thigh returns and slide past Caius and out of the booth, standing in the more open part of the bar, where some form of stag do are downing shots. Aro follows silently, though he reaches me and slips his arm through mine which I take gratefully, my thigh has started to become a nuisance and I long to sit down again immediately. Caius stalks ahead, but holds open the door to leave, mostly for Aro I guess. 

"Yes, I chartered a plane." He sniffs. "You didn't expect me to fly in standard class with the humans did you?" He winces at the thought, the pampered prince. Aro merely smiles as though he can't picture it either. It is hard to imagine Caius sitting in a seat on a regular plane, stuffed next to a sweaty human in shorts and flip flops, a lady pushing a snack trolley through the aisle narrower than Caius' hips. 

'Very athletic hips through.' Richard remarks approvingly. I shudder involuntarily at the thought. I didn't need Richard to express that. At all. Aro holds his arm in mine as we walk the 20 minute or so walk towards the airstrip which Caius could have mentioned in the hour we'd spent together even prior to finding Aro, but I guess he was enjoying the suspense too much. When I spot it in the distance, not to mention, the sleek looking jet Caius has parked with a lone pilot, suit and all even in this Greek heat, waiting outside for us, I almost fall to my knees with relief. 

"Stanley." Caius gives the pilot a pat as the stairs unravel and lower for us to board. "Passports at the ready everyone." Caius smiles as he boards first, very familiar the jet's layout. I assume this is something he's rented before. The mere thought of having enough money to rent a fucking jet for a matter of hours at short notice is staggering to me. Council estate born and bred me is fascinated. And I'm dating one of them.

 Aro leads me up the stairs onto the jet slowly, mindful of my thigh which still stings. "I fear Caius is enjoying this far too much." He tuts as we embark. I only offer an amused smile. We step onto the jet's open plan like-flat level. There are two parallel sofas, one of which Caius has sunk onto, and is opening a bottle of wine with two glasses, thanks for missing me out. There's a snack fridge, next to the cooler for the wine and a flat screen TV high up on one of the walls, but who knows where Caius has hidden the remote. 

Behind us, along a short corridor, are two doors, one I assume, or hope, is a toilet. I slouch against the other sofa, Aro sits besides Caius and takes a glass of wine from Caius's outstretched hand. Aro takes a sip. "Does Alex not get his glass of wine, too?" Caius pulls a sour face at his suggestion. "Alex." He speaks as though addressing a child. "The bedroom is through there, complete with pyjamas." He gives me an almost mocking smile. "Rest well." He turns to face Aro so that I'm no longer in his peripheral vision. 

"Are you taking the fucking piss? You can't send me to bed." I stand, hands on hips. and the pilot, Stanley, gives me a warning look from the cockpit. I reluctantly sit back down. Aro turns to Caius. "Alex can stay awake if he wishes, though if you really don't want to share your wine, I understand. I know how expensive it is." He trails off, giving him a disapproving look like a parent to a child. "And you've never been very good at sharing."

Caius gives an innocent, angelic smile. "I assumed Alex would want to rest after his ordeal." He turns to hesitantly half-fill a glass of wine for me. "Clearly, you know best." He passes the wine to me, arm outstretched without looking at me, his face fixed on Aro's. I take it. "How generous of you." I mutter and take a sip, sitting back against the comfortable sofa's material. Leather, I think. I have a few sips before placing the glass back onto the side table and stand. "I am tired after all, I imagine to Caius's delight. I'm going to rest in the bedroom." I glare at Caius. "My ordeal has left me quite shaken." 

I stomp past before Aro can stop me or say anything, and hear Richard chuckle. 'You should've thrown Caius's wine over the bastard.' I nod. "Too damn right." I stalk into the bedroom, there's a large double bed and no window, so light comes from two small wall fixed lamps. I throw myself onto the bed stomach and face down and close my eyes. It's an hour or two before I hear the bedroom door creak open behind me and the bed moves as someone climbs on and approaches me from behind, leaning their weight carefully against me, as they lean over and their lips brush my cheek. 

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