Chapter 25

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December, 2016, 8 months ago.

"Guess who's going to Volterra's Mental Asylum?" The grumpy older officer waltzes into my room with an uncharacteristic smile stretching across his face. I glance up from my colouring book, one of many that I've had in the last week, and frown.

"Volterra? Where's that?" I pull myself up off my stomach and stretch my achy limbs. Grumpy smiles again; now I know I'm not hallucinating. "Italy." He states and I feel my insides warm and churn with excitement. "I've always wanted to go to Italy. I-"
I trail off as I realise the last two words.

Mental Asylum.

'They're sending you back to another loony bin.'  Richard sounds fearful, not the usual snarking, arrogant tone he has and it scares me. His angry insults are almost a comfort and have been since I was a kid.

I almost will him to say something feisty, or to throw an angry insult at me. "But I don't want to go back. I thought I was going to prison. Forever." I mumble to Grumpy, dropping the felt tip pen that I didn't realise was in my hand and my lip trembles: a sign that I'm close to tears.

Grumpy grimaces. "Yes, well, I'd happily lock you up for life for what you did but apparently you're not fit to stay in a regular prison." He sounds disappointed and annoyed. "Remember that woman from last week? Lisa? The one who came to see you? Well she's a psychiatrist, and she was assessing you." He admits and I feel an almost punch in my stomach.

"I thought she just came to see me because she wanted to." My voice sounds weak and pathetic, my legs fail me and I slide onto the dirty floor, holding my head in my hands. Grumpy continues talking, oblivious or ignoring my distress. "According to the records, you were diagnosed as unstable when you were eleven. Forgot to mention that in your interview did you?" He practically spits and I flinch at his tone.

'He sounds like Dad when he's mad.' Richard mentions and although he isn't Richard's father too, I agree with him. My dad was a nightmare when angry. "I didn't see how that was relevant." I shrug, trying to keep it together.

"Well, it is." He grunts without further explanation. "A man called Terrence Smith is here to see you." He announces and opens the door to let the guy in. Terrence? Who do I know called Terrence? I glance at the door with anticipation, my stomach dropping as Mr. Smith, the school headmaster storms into the cell.

I haven't been at work for over a week. "Sir, please, I couldn't come in, they kept me here-"
"I'm not here on behalf of your abscence, Mr. Danvers." He announces and I close my eyes in agony. "I know what you've done. Carl is dead, because of you." He states harshly and I turn my back on him, focusing my attention on my colouring book.

"I haven't finished." He thunders, walking over to face me. I stay on the floor, colouring in. "You do realise you're doing a minimum of eight months in a criminal asylum, don't you?" He announces and I look up at him. "Just eight months?" I ask in surprise and he grimaces.

"You deserve life in prison for what you've done." He says bluntly and I rise to my feet in anger.

"He went through the windscreen, you ignorant bastard. He wasn't wearing his seatbelt. You're acting as if I stabbed him or chopped him up into little pieces. It was an accident. He wasn't wearing his belt!" I repeat and he flinches, perching on the edge of the iron framed bed.

Mr. Smith glares at me. "I hadn't finished. The police say the same thing as you, so they're just giving you the driving above the speed limit charge. Maybe manslaughter, you got off lucky." He sighs and I lower my head, in almost shame.

'He's acting like your father. Ignore him, he's just some tubby, balding headteacher.' Richard insults and I stifle a giggle. Mr. Smith hears me splutter slightly and glares. "You think this is funny do you?" He sounds angry and I sigh, straightening my legs to stretch them. There's not enough room in here.

'Oh well, at least you don't have a cellmate.' Richard scoffs, reading my mind with his supposed telepathy and I smirk at his comment. "I've come here to terminate your contract. The supply teacher covering for abscence will take over your job."

"You can't do this!" I panic. "I've been in that job only two months. Let me make it up to you. Please." I beg and he widens his eyes at me as if he can't believe what he's hearing. "Mr. Danvers, you will have a criminal record after this. You will not be allowed to work with children ever again." He stands up from the bed and folds his arms.

"I will send everything of yours to the asylum. Goodbye, Mr. Danvers." He strides to the door and slips through it before I can say anything else. "Mr. Smith, wait!" The bar slams into place and I slump back to the floor.

"I might as well jump out of the window now." I sigh to myself, hugging my knees wearily. 'Be quiet. If there's one thing I cannot stand, it's self pity.' Richard snarks and I feel comforted by his anger, knowing he's not as fearful as he was earlier.

"Eight months in a hospital, it won't be so bad." I lie to myself in the hope it'll make things better. 'Who are you trying to convince, you or me?' Richard laughs harshly and I groan, knowing my voice is weak and unconvincing.

"What are we going to do, Richard? I'm losing my job, the house, I've killed my brother. Life isn't going to be so great from now on." I hold my head in my hands, whimpering softly as the tears begin to fall.

'Will you stop being so depressing? It's obvious what we have to do.' Richard interupts my rambling and I wish I had his sense of calm and intelligence: the ability to know what to do in dire situations.

"Go on then, Einstein. Tell me what we should do." I snark and Richard chuckles quietly. 'Isn't it obvious?' His voice contains no laughter although he chuckles.
'Oh Alex, you really are a stupid bastard.'

He pauses for a second, leaving me in suspense, waiting with anticipation. He states calmly as if discussing the weather: 'We're going to kill Terrence Smith.'

Remember: Alex and Aro (boyxboy)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin