Chapter 47

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Aro's knee bounces irritably, as he nurses his mug of steaming tea in one hand as he reclines in a stuffed armchair opposite Marcus, who is taking a ridiculously long time pouring out my cup. Caius, languidly, leans, sipping Earl Grey as though the last 48 hours have miraculously dissipated through the tea. If it has that kind of soothing effect, then Jesus, hand me mine right now.

My legs feel horribly bare compared to everyone else's outfits. The shorts need a long wash in the machine, maybe they need to be thrown away completely, who knows. The portion of thigh where my wound was itches and I'm sweating. Caius on the other hand, infuriates me. Wearing a three piece suit as though it's no big deal, leaning and drinking like he's been invited to afternoon tea with the queen, his hair not a strand out of place, his skin complexion porcelain and pristine.

Goddamn perfect, beautiful vampires.

'Fucking perfumed aristocrat.' Richard scoffs.

Marcus, serene, his lined face a mask of calm, finishes pouring and silently, his creepy eyes on mine, passes me the cup. "Earl Grey." Caius utters, mockingly, an almost smirk on his face. I take the cup carefully to not let it spill. The last thing I need is to tip tea over Marcus' Persian rugs. God knows he's house-proud by looking at him. "I know what type of tea it is, cheeky bastard." I snap, taking a hot sip. I flash a quick nod at Marcus to say thank you. "I'm not fucking stupid." Caius raises his eyebrows in response.

"Could have fooled me." Almost inaudible. My eyes snap back up to his. "Why don't we play a game, Caius?" I don't know why my voice has risen or where I've found the courage to suddenly stand up to him in this way, maybe the vampire blood.. I place the cup down as Caius looks up at my tone, interested. "It's called, 'this is my fist'." I demonstrate. "And all you have to do to win the game is sit there, while my fist-" I swing my arm towards him in slow motion. "-smashes into your fucking face."

Aro sighs, Marcus remains silent and disinterested, sipping his tea. Caius doesn't even flinch as I hover in front of him like an idiot. "Please Alex, if you wanted to hit my face, just ask." He sips more tea. "I don't do hints. You have to be direct." He cranes his head to look around me and at Marcus who sits just out of his vision. "So, brother, tell us, what transpired while you gone? Anything of interest?"

'Wow, he just cut you literally out of the equation.' Richard chuckles. 'Sit down, man.'

The fact that Caius literally dismissed me with the power of his voice pisses me off. I turn angrily on my heel and slope back to my seat. Marcus, at least, has the manners to wait until I've sat down before speaking. "There was nothing unusual. We have to assume the attack was purely a way of getting rid of Aro. Until only four days ago did I even suspect anything after Aro ceased communications." He pauses. "That's why I sent you after him." He directs his attention to Aro who until now has been staring into tea like a fortune teller.

"Caius says the plane was a complete wreck. No survivors except for yourself and Alex?" Aro only nods. "It's my fault. I could have caused Alex's death." Aro glances at me. "Forgive me, my dear." His voice is quiet, though sincere and I reach over to place a hand on his arm. "It's okay. We're all alive." I gesture around the room, though Caius scoffs.

I raise my eyes with a glare. Any more bullshit or mocking comments from his mouth and I'll hit the bastard. "We're not alive, our hearts do not beat and we do not age." He finishes his tea in a gulp as Marcus lifts the pot to refill. He hands his cup like a pampered prince, and Marcus fills it without question. "Well," I try to keep my patience. "I meant, we're all safe."

"We have to think of who might want you dead." Marcus chips in before Caius can snarl anything at me. "You did upset the Romanian coven. Many times, might I add." Aro nods agreement, Caius smirks at a memory. "Not to mention you caused quite a scandal when you disrupted the engagement between the Count and Countess of Milan." Caius sips his tea. "Through sleeping with the Count, I mean." He pauses, Aro glares at him for bringing it up. "And then of course, stealing his undershirt as proof of your night of passion with him." Marcus cuts his eyes towards him in almost warning.

"And then," He drags it out. "For you to announce at their annual garden party that you'd been sleeping with the Countess' future husband was really the last straw." Caius sighs and stretches, finishing another cup, oblivious to Aro's angry glare. "That was one hundred and fifty years ago." His voice is cold and tinged with irritation. Caius lifts his eyes and shrugs. "She's still alive, perhaps she's angry with you." He trails off. "I would be."

I glance at Aro. "You slept with the Count of Milan?" Aro raises his eyebrows. "He was very attractive. Even Marcus would sleep with him, he was so handsome." Marcus gulps down his tea. "Well, I wouldn't say that, but yes, he was admired by many." He murmurs softly, embarrassed. Aro grins at his shyness. "Well I'd like to speak to Demetri and see if he's able to gather anything on the coven. Perhaps he has a location for us." Aro stands. "I refuse to let this attack become a complete disaster." He pounds his fist enthusiastically into the air. "We must fight back!" Some of the light spills back into his eyes, along with the mania and intense energy. I can't help but smile.

"Well, lovely chatting with you, I must be off." Marcus abruptly picks up his cup and leaves the room, leaving Aro, fist mid-air, smiling like an idiot while Caius stands and stretches. He reminds me of a cat, ready to pounce at any second, claws primed and at the ready. "Well, Alex." He saunters over. "Are you ready to play that game now? The one where you....'smash my face'?" I tut and turn away from him. "Fuck off, Caius, I'm not in the mood."

Caius grins and glances again at the bulge in my shorts. "I think you're in the mood for something." Aro turns with interest towards us. I tut at his comments but my heart isn't it in to cast anything in response. My erection gets stiffer and my hands start shaking. Fucking vampire blood is messing with me and he knows it. I feel hot, like water is boiling beneath the surface of my skin and I itch everywhere, like I'm burning. Caius' fingers grip my chin and yank my head upwards so our eyes meet. My body freezes. "Are you hot?" His voice is soft, and the snarky expression fades.

I nod, once. He looks at me with almost concern. "Drink some water, you have a temperature." He glances at Aro. "Put him to bed." He then releases my chin and smooths my forehead with the back of his hand to feel the heat rising off me. "You were in the sun too long and haven't given your body ample time to heal. Sleep." He slips past myself and Aro and out of the room, I hear his footsteps echo down the hall.

Turning to look at Aro, he smiles his usual manic, grin which has returned to its full joyful form. "Well, how interesting."

I hear Richard scoff inside my head. 'Well." He utters. 'What the hell was that?'

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