Chapter 24

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October, 2017, Present Time

The sheets are pulled back from my body and I groan in protest. "Aro, what time is it?" I yawn, lifting my arms above my head for a stretch. "It is eight o'clock." He informs as he begins neatening the sheets at the foot of the bed. The curtains are opened then and bright light shines through, attacking my eyes.

"Ah, fuck off!" I roll over onto my front and press my face into the pillow to block out the sun. "Rise and shine, it is October the 1st. It is a new month and I will not allow you to spend it in bed. Up." He demands, his hands hauling underneath me to sit me upright.
October the 1st. I've been here a month and a half already. The last month has been spent having several dinners with Aro, teaching him modern slang, having a ridiculous amount of hallucinations and breakdowns and refusing his kisses.

He's still being forward with his affections and for the majority of the time, I want him to just back off and find someone else to snog. I will admit that sometimes we get along just fine but for the most part, I wish he'd just fuck off.

I open my eyes reluctantly and he stands at the side of me, as usual holding the daily glass of water and my dose of medication. It's become a ritual. He wakes me up at some ungodly hour and shoves pills down my throat.

It's quite comforting to have a routine really.

"Medicine." He announces and I let him drop the pills into my hand as I retrieve the water with the other. "Thanks." I mumble, popping them into my mouth and downing the water before the taste can get to me.

I swallow quickly and gurgle a little. They go down my throat in a powdery lump and I shudder. "Ugh, I will never get used to that." I complain as usual and he smiles almost sympathetically.

"There, it is over for another day." He points out and I nod in agreement. "I have your clothes ready." He gestures to them folded on top of the chest of drawers and I sigh. "Will I ever be able to pick out my own outfit?" I grumble as I climb out of the bed and into my slippers.

"No. I quite enjoy organising things for you." He says in a genial tone and I roll my eyes. "I'm a grown man who can dress himself." I protest and he chuckles. "But I do not dress you. I choose the clothes you wear." He corrects in a petty manner and I sigh at the losing battle.

"Okay, boyfriend." I joke, using the term he uses for me innocently and he blinks at me. "Do not mock me." He attempts but I've already made my way towards his main room with the desk. "I should be able to pick out your outfits for you." I argue and I hear him walking behind me to join me on the way to the shower room.

"I wear the same type of suit everyday." He counters. "There are several of them but they are the same colour. They are identical." He concludes walking in step beside me. I reach the shower room but he pushes open the door and holds it open before I can get to it.

"Thank you, Aro." I drone as I waltz in, my towel already on the rail and my shower products already inside the cubicle, waiting on the shelf. I turn to Aro who is waiting to willingly shed my clothes for me but I step out of his reach quickly.

I anticipate that move now. He does it everyday.

"You can leave now. I'll see you at breakfast." I suggest and I realise he's holding my folded outfit. "You forgot this." He reminds and I take it from him, placing it on the heated towel rail. "Thanks. What would I do without you?" I snark and he shrugs in a playful manner.

"I imagine you would be lost and disorganised." He estimates and I nod enthusiastically. It's true, I'd probably wear pyjamas everyday if Aro didn't get my clothes ready for me.

Remember: Alex and Aro (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now