This has been going for at least fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes of her drinking bottles of Pepsi while she typed and muttered words to herself, such as "You can do this!" or "Fuck I can't do this."

Evan stood there behind the counter watching her every move with a small smile while probably looking like a creep—which he isn't—at the same time, but it didn't matter. What did matter was how he found himself slowly moving away from the counter and
began approaching the girl chanting mantras of "Fuck school!" while running her hands through her hair in frustration, and finally settling down on the chair next to her. Perhaps it was because of his avid curiosity, mixed with how relatable the situation was, but mostly amusement and concern.

The chair screeched from the tiled floor as he pulled it out and sat in it. The girl paused mid-banging her head on the poor table, staring at her new acquaintance. "Uhmm....Hi, do you need anything?" She asked Evan with a questioning look.

"Not really, I—uhm—just wanted to know if you we're okay. You looked pretty hectic for the past fifteen minutes." He replied sheepishly. "And you're forehead seems to sporting a red spot." The girl averted her gaze down in embarrassment, touching her forehead, a tinge of red painted across her freckled face. "Oh Shit," She muttered to herself "I must've looked pretty stupid the whole time wasn't I?"

"You could say that." He chuckled lightly.

"Damn it, in front of me is a cute guy and I manage to make myself look stupid." She mumbled, frowning to herself.

Evan laughed."I don't really like to think of myself as cute, but thanks for the compliment." The girls cheeks flushed lightly when she realised Evan overheard her.

"I'm sorry, it must be the Pepsi talking. As you've noticed I've drank a lot," She gestured to the numerous empty cans of soda in the trashcan beside her and chuckled.

"I'm Cassie, by the way." She said, her hand reaching out towards Evan with a smile. Her black hair was tied into a messy braid with strands sticking out and some falling on her freckled face, but she didn't seem to mind. He noticed the purple pen tucked above her left ear and the glasses perked up on her head. Her grey eyes showing clear signs of drowsiness but nevertheless she showed enthusiasm. Exhausted, yet still smiling. Evan couldn't help but return the grin as he shook her hand. "The names, Evan."

"You want a soda?" Cassie asked. "I have an essay due today and I kind of purposely forgot to do it, thats why I'm here." She explained handing Evan a bottle of soda and opening a bottle herself.

"What's with all the sugary drinks?"

She shrugged. "I drink when I'm stressed and it helps in keeping me awake."

"You know you can't just drown yourself in Pepsi." He informed her.

She paused mid-drink and stared at Evan as if the thought was incredulous itself, then frowned at the soda. "You're right, Coke is better. I should've drowned my self with that instead."

"What's your essay about anyway? It can't be that bad that you resorted to drowning yourself in soda." Evan inquired, looking at the cluster of papers scattered on the table.

"It's supposed to be a five page essay about our mental and general fears. I'm studying psychology and our professor told us that in order to understand someone you have to understand yourself first," She told him. Gathering her notes and papers as she did.

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