"Uh. Y-yes Matteo," I stutter nervously. Really? Why is he making me feel this way? I haven't stuttered talking to a man unless it's a lie I'm telling my father. Get a grip Carina.

"Good. Venni shall give you the tour of the house tomorrow morning. You may roam freely after that," he says and that catches my attention.

"Freely? Does that mean that I'm no longer locked in my room," I ask nicely. I don't want to be rude and I definitely don't want to upset his royal assness. God only knows what hell that will bring.

"That is exactly what it means Carina, but don't try to escape. You'll regret it," he warns coldly. My thoughts trace back to the rules, and my ass starts to tingle just thinking of being paddled again if I disobey him.

"Yes Matteo," I reply dully.

"Great. Now let's eat," he says as Venni emerges from the kitchen door pushing a dinner cart.


After dinner, I begin to make my way upstairs. Being in the same room as Matteo makes me nervous. I'm not comfortable with how unpredictable he is, yet I know what will push his buttons. It's like walking on eggshells. It's a new experience for me, but I try to remain on guard for the most part. I would ask if Venni could give me a tour now because I don't want to go back to that room. I have had been cooped up since they brought me here and I just want to walk around. I don't know what to expect from Matteo if I ask either. I guess I'll just have to be satisfied with going tomorrow.

"Carina," Matteo calls after me and I freeze mid-step. What could he possibly want now? "Instead of waiting tomorrow for Venni to show you around, I want to do it personally tonight," he says and I jump with joy on the inside. Is he a mind reader? I turn back around, making sure to keep looking down, and head my way back down the beautiful steps trying to contain my excitement.

"Okay," I whisper as I look at the white polish on my toes. They stand out again the black outfit I'm wearing.

"Well you won't be able to see much if you're looking at your toes tesoro. Look around if you must. I do not mind," he says cheekily. Tesoro? My treasure? I look at him trying to see if he is really the frigid calculating man that kidnapped me, but then I look into his ice blue eyes and turn cold. Of course he is. Why would he have a change of heart so suddenly?

"Okay," I say more clearly. My blood is starting to heat up a bit. Tesoro? Really? I'm not your treasure dammit. Where do you get off calling me that anyways?! Just because you stole me like a pirate doesn't mean I'm your treasure. Fucking prick!

While we are downstairs he shows me the gym and pool area I hadn't seen when Venni and I walked downstairs, two guest rooms that look plain, a library that's overflowing with books, and some empty rooms. This side of the house is very nice, but it's honestly missing the life that comes with making a home. Matteo is in every aspect of his home, but it doesn't seem like it's complete. When we go back upstairs the tension in the air becomes thicker.

"Here's my office. You are to never come in here or disturb me. Understood," he asks me harshly. I only remember going in there one time, and he was with me.

"Wh- Uh. Yes Matteo," I stutter. I want to know why, but I keep it to myself. I don't want to over step my boundaries and end up locked in my room again, or worse. He shows me his bedroom that I'm not allowed in, Venni's room, a game room that I'm not allowed to use yet, and the balcony that looks over the back of his house. We walk out the French double doors and I stand by the railing taking in the view. The forest is beautiful, but at night its ethereal. The sky is filled with stars and the trees glisten under the silver of the moonlight. I can't help but think about all the times my family went to our lake house and watched the ocean at night. We had a lot of fun, but we haven't been there since that accident. All of the memories flashing through my mind cause the salty tears to escape my eyes like freedom hungry prisoners.

"Carina are you alright," he asks me bringing me out my thoughts. Matteo sounds worried, but I know he isn't. He doesn't care about anyone, but himself. If it isn't benefiting him it doesn't matter. I wipe my face before anymore tears can fall. He doesn't deserve to see me vulnerable like this.

"Y- yes," I croak. I have no intention of letting him get to know me or bearing my soul to him. What for? He is cold and heartless. I lean off the rail and start walking away, but he grabs my wrist.

"I didn't dismiss you yet Miss Lehew," he says coldly. I knew it wouldn't be long before he showed his true self. It was only a matter of time before the devil came out to play. My body tenses under his vice-like grip, and for a second I want to slap him and storm off, but knowing that will only result in me being spanked again I reel in my fury. He releases my wrist and I go back to standing by the railing. Why is he so cruel? I have done nothing to him for him to treat me so badly. Matteo breathes in deeply making his bergamot and spice scent invade my nostrils. The sound of the balcony door being locked snaps me out of my momentary intoxicated trance and panic washes over me. I turn and notice that Matteo is gone. What the hell? He just left me out here?

I didn't dismiss you yet. His words repeat in my head and I groan aggressively. That jackass. Thankfully there is furniture on the balcony. I pull my arms into my top and make my way over to the couch. There's a blanket folded over the back of it, so I shake it out and snuggle under it as I bundle up to keep warm. I guess I have no choice, but to sleep outside for the night.

Kidnapped by the DevilDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora