2. Sara

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"... Sara Holland." The teacher drones on the attendance, per usual with this class.

"Here." I say sluggishly, not enjoying the fact that I only got two hours of sleep last night after one of my best friends, Claire Ardin wouldn't stop talking about her date night with some Freshman who she met through Camryn Bais.

"What's wrong with you?" Dustin, one of my closest guy friends, and ex-boyfriend, asks, poking me in the shoulder.

"Claire kept me up all night talking about how her date night went with Alanna, Camryn's younger sister." I say with a sigh, partly from annoyance and the other from jealousy.

Claire and I used to be a 'thing' last year, in our Sophomore year, but when her former step-mother found out she threatened to kick Claire out of the house. This is what later caused Claire's father, Thomas, to divorce her crazy ass because he's awesome and doesn't care if Claire likes dick or pussy as long as she's happy and healthy, which is a good motto to have.

Anyways, we stopped with our 'thing' after that even though it was clear that we both still had feelings for each other. I mean, she's the one who took my virginity and taught me how to love myself when no one else would. Now we barely talk and when we do it's always about her, which I guess is always how it's been.

"Jealous much." He says and I can hear the smirk on his face without even having to look.

"Jealous? Are you crazy. Claire will have her fun with Alanna and then break things off once she gets bored like how she normally does." I say with a huff of breath, as after we broke off our 'thing' she went through at least seven or eight different relationships before the summer and we ended our thing in November.

"Or, she might actually care about what's the girls name, Alanna. When was the last time she kept you awake after a date. Especially since she knows how much you need and want your beauty sleep?" Dustin adds before the teacher walks to the front of the room and starts class.

~ Alanna ~

"Oh my god, Alex, it was amazing! We kissed, flirted, kissed so more, did some other things, kissed, watched a movie then we cuddled and fell asleep together." I say with a wide smile on my face before I start eating my salad.

"Aw, I'm happy for you." Jay says with a kind smile on his face as he pulls his hand away from Alex to start eating his food as well as Claire and some other girl walk into the cafeteria in what seems like a very heated conversation.

"Hey, who is that?" I ask, slightly pointing towards the short, skinny, black-haired girl who looks like a midget standing next to Claire who is probably 5'10" and I'm 5'8".

"Sara Holland. Fastest girl on the track team, good lacrosse player and as far as I know a big ole' lesbian who has the hots for Claire and has since last year." Jay answers in between bites of his burger as Sara and Claire go their separate ways and both seem equally angry.

"I wonder what that was about." I say as I notice that Sara is walking straight towards our lunch table. "Well shit." I say with a sigh before she reaches our table.

"Which one of you is Alanna?" She asks in an unexpected deepish voice, which, in my opinion, is rather attractive.

"Me." I say nervously, slightly raising my hand.

"Good follow me." She says before starting to turn on her heel to walk away but turns back around to fully face me once she realizes that I haven't moved. "Now!" She adds, this time with more force and I unexpectedly find my body moving on its own accord and soon enough the two of us are in the bathroom closest to the lunch room.

"What're we doing here?" I ask, extremely confused as to why a complete stranger took me to the bathroom with them.

"What does Claire see in you?" She asks, scrunching a brow as she begins to walk around me like how a predator would stalk their prey.

"Why are you asking me this? Because I sure as hell don't know." I say, being completely honest, as I don't understand why Claire has taken a liking to me.

"Neither do I." She says as she walks back in front of me. "You are cute, not too skinny, seem smart enough, pretty eyes, good sense of style, pretty tall." She says, listing off possible reasons why Claire would like me.

"If you want to know so badly why don't you ask her?" I ask, getting really bothered with this conversation really quickly.

"I already did. She just said that she liked you because she liked you. Which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever." Sara says with a sigh and I can hear the slightest amount of jealous in her voice and I decided to run with it.

"What? Are you jealous of me or something?" I say, popping out  my hip and putting my hand on it.

"So what if I am."

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2018 ⏰

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