1. Alanna

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"I cannot believe that you're actually doing this." My best friend, Alexander Richards, says with an almost boyish grin on his face as the two of us stomp down the hall as if we own the school even though we're just Freshman.

Alexander and I have been best friends since we were either five or six, he thinks it was six and I think it was five. And it works out great because my family loves him and his family loves me, well who wouldn't? It also works because, just so it happens, he's gay and I'm  bisexual, so we will never be anything other than friends.

Even though I was his beard in the end of seventh beginning of eighth grade, but we won't talk about that. He has an amazing boyfriend, Jameson Domscra, who is a Junior so they're going to be going to prom together, and will be leaving me out of it.

"I like her so I'm going to go after her, if she says no she says no." I say with a shrug of my shoulders as I see Claire talking with three of her friends at her locker. "Go find Jay, I wanna do this myself." I add, using Jameson's nickname as I was friends with him before him and Ale started dating as Jay is friends with my older sister Camryn.

"Alright, good luck." Alexander says, giving my shoulder a quick squeeze before turning around and going back the way we came, where we left Jay, Cam and all of their friends.

"Hey, Claire!" I say, still a bit of a ways away from Claire but I manage to get her attention.

Claire is, like Jameson, a Junior and she is among the most popular of her class, which makes it a tab bit intimidating for someone like me to just go up and ask her at. You see, I'm the type of person who floats from friend group to friend group while managing to keep one solid friend the entire time, Alex, and I don't really belong anywhere while Alex belongs with the smart jocks who also don't mind that he's gay. I on the other hand, jus tag along with him, Jay and Cam whenever they go anywhere and that's how I make new friends.

Claire being one of those 'lucky' few who I meet through my small, yet reliable group of friends who I couldn't liv without. Claire and I met when Jay, Alex, Cam and I went bowling with a few other of Jay and Cam's friends, Claire being one of them. In my perspective we really hit it off and she was being really flirty and gave me her number right off the bat. And I know, I know, she might just be overly friendly but I was told, by my sources, that she had a girlfriend in Freshman year who went to another school but the two of them posted pictures of them on their Instagram's and stuff, so, being the creep that I am I 'investigated'. And indeed, I found the pictures of Claire and her ex-girlfriend, Tiffany Feyer, who is incredibly gorgeous by the way but she graduated a year ago, so she was a Junior when her and Claire were dating.

"Hey Al, how's it going?" Claire says as I reach her and her friends, smile spreading on her lips while two of her three friends look at me with confused looks on their faces. "Oh! This is Camryn's younger sister, Alanna, she's a Freshman. Alanna this is Madeline." Claire says, pointing to the tallest of the three of her friends who simply waves at me weakly. "This is Abbi." She says, pointing at the shorted of the three who is currently too involved on her phone to even notice me. "And this is Deja." She says, pointing the biggest of her friends, and I'm not saying that to be rude in anyway, but, she's thicc and super hot. "Hi." She says with a cocky smirk on her face as if she knew exactly what I was thinking.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you guys. But, Claire, can I talk to you in private super quick?" I ask, really hoping that she says yes.

"Yeah, totally. Talk to you later guys." Claire says before Madeline, Abbi and Deja all get the message and walk away, quickly starting a conversation of their own. "So, what's up?" She adds, turning all of her attention on me.

"So, uh, I was wondering, and if you don't want too that's totally fine. But, uh, I was wondering, um." I say, getting quieter with each word as my confidence diminishes.

"What is it? You know I don't bite." She says with a playful undertone in her voice, smile never leaving her lips.

"Will you go out with me?" I say quickly, hoping that she heard me so I don't have to repeat myself.

"Oh, well, I wasn't expected that, but yeah, I'd like that." Claire says, features softening, as if she realized why I was getting so nervous asking her that question.

"Wait, really?" I say, completely in shock that she said yes and didn't hit me with a handbag or something like that.

"Yes really, you idiot. I was flirting with you the entire time we went bowling. I thought you would take the hint, I guess not." Claire says with a shrug of her shoulders before her eyes widen as if she's just gotten an idea. "How about this; My parents are gone for the weekend so we could hang out at my place at Friday, you could come over at around 7ish?" She suggests, leaning against the locker in front of hers, getting closer  to me by doing so.

"Uh, yeah." I say, with an idiotic grin plastered on my face right before the bell rings, signaling that everyone has five minutes to get to their first period class. 

"See you then, sweetie." She says with a smirk on her face before walking away, my eyes following her down the hall until she makes a turn and is no longer visible.

"Yes!" I shout to my self, almost jumping for joy but then realizing that I was in school and quickly made my way to my class, which is on the other side of the building.

Author's Note

Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading and well yeah. Thanks and I promise to update my Ron and Harry work soon, I just needed to start something new.

Thanks for you continued support.

~ Head Girl 394 😊

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