Chapter 9

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Karma sat in the classroom bored out of his mind as korosensei taught them (random lesson in math cause I cant think of one) he already knew this stuff. Korosensei then passed out a work sheet for them to do for some practice. Karma finished it quickly and walked out leaving it on his desk with an actual knife through it. He walked down the hall of the building and out the door. He began to walk down the path to a cliff with a tree sticking out of it he had found earlier on his way to the e-class building. He walked out onto the tree and looked down. Karma could easily fall off this tree into the forest below. Korosensei would either have to let him fall or he would have to jump to save him and end up getting shot in the process just for karma to fly back up. Either way its a lose on korosensei's part.
Karma groaned and twisted almost like he was falling but caught himself by wrapping his tail around the branch. He hung upside down for a bit like a possum would do and looked down at the ground below. He looked back up at the sound of foot steps coming closer with squishy ones following. Karma couldn't help but eavesdrop on the conversation.
"Thanks for the help korosensei those problems weren't exactly easy."
'Thats that boy.  Nagisa was it?'
"No problem nagisa as a teacher its my job to help my students."
'Ah korosensei.' Karma stiffled a snort at what korosensei said 'more like a killer demon trying to play teacher. Oh wait...' Karma looked up to make sure they hadn't noticed him yet. They hadn't good. Except korosensei had noticed the black leathery rope like tail rapped around the tree when they arrived.
"Well I better head back to the classroom would hate to be late for our next lesson. Bye korosensei."
'Finally hes leaving.'
"Goodbye nagisa Ill see you soon."
Karma listened to the retreating footsteps then listened to what korosensei had to say next. It was for him.
"I dont know why they sent you but let my students kill me not you."
"I'm technically one of your students now so if I kill you then it will be a student killing you," karma responded.
"Still i want one of the others to kill me you... Youre a trained assassin not a student."
With those words said korosensei retreated back to the classroom leaving karma alone to think.
'Yea I am an assassin but I'm a student to you old man. My teacher... My mentor...'

My Love Is A Demon Assassin (Karushuu) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now