Chapter 8

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Karma looked in the full body mirror on his bedroom wall at his outfit. It was his professional assassin outfit. "I'm sure it'll look like I'm a normal kid dressed up as an assassin for halloween. I mean who would think of a kid my age as an assassin today?."

Karma looked out at the busy streets filled with kids in costumes. Normal costumes... not their work clothes. He sighed and jumped out the window to the academy where the E-class were having a halloween party. Karma was going to assassinate korosensei no matter what.

He looked through the window of the E-class building before he entered. Once he got to the door he heard his new teacher telling his class they have a new student. He sounded a little nervous. Karasama. He was the only assassin there who knew about karma's back story. Karma smirked as he opened the door and entered. He smiled at Karasama who stood still and frowned.

Karma could easily take the fun of this from the kids why did they put him in is it so they can end this before next year even starts. Karasama thought. He knew of karma's speed and agility. He knew karma could easily take down korosensei if he wanted so the question remained...

Would karma take it easy on him or will he go all out to end this quickly.

Sorry its been awhile I really just never had the motivation to update so here's an update. I was working on this chapter before I went on hold and just finished. But sorry that its short.

My Love Is A Demon Assassin (Karushuu) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now