Chapter Thirty-four- Voldemort's decision

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It was just a few weeks before the start of the school year and Jabe was dreading having to go back. Not only was she going to have to leave Voldemort but she was also going to have to leave Cellie. Jabe couldn't risk Dumbledore finding out about Cellie. Just one glimpse of Cellie would give away who her father was. 

That's how much Cellie looked like Voldemort. Cellie had grown a lot. She was now the size of an average five or six year old. Her intelligence had also increased greatly as well. She had started talking in complete sentences. And she spent most of her time in her fathers lap reading with him. Though Voldemort couldn't see the books that Cellie read that didn't stop her from reading to her father. Voldemort had nothing better to do. Jabe wasn't going to let him spare the energy. But he also greatly enjoyed spending time with Cellie. So Voldemort wasn't complaining. 

Nagini also spent all of her time near or around her master. She could always be found near Voldemort. She never left his side. As Jabe had predicted Cygnus had snuck out of bed to visit his master. And it had taken an order from Voldemort for him to rest, for Jabe to get him back to bed. Right now Jabe was spending as much time with her small family as she could before she would have to leave for hogwarts. She would have to go early because she was a teacher. And Jabe hated it. But knowing that Nagini was their to protect Cellie and her lover gave Jabe some comfort. 

Nagini had become such a staple around the small family that Voldemort finally decided he would make her his final Horcrux. Jabe was the only person Voldemort had and would ever tell about his dark secret, because he quite literally trusted her with his life. Jabe, to say the least, was incredibly reluctant about allowing her bonded to do this. With as weak as he was, there were so many things that could go wrong. 

"Tom I'm begging you. Please don't do this. Just wait. Please!" Jabe nearly sobs. If this went wrong, Voldemorts soul could be ripped apart into shreds and he could be lost in millions of pieces. Jabe would never be able to see him again. He would be trapped in an eternal hell. Jabe didn't want Voldemort to do this. She wished more then anything that she could change his mind. Jabe knew how important this was to Voldemort but this time, the risks were to great. Voldemort gently places his hand on jabes cheek and wipes away a few of her tears. "Shhh my love. It's going to be alright. I promise." Voldemort whispers gently. 

Jabe lets a few more tears slip and leans into her loves hand. "Please tom." Jabe whispers softly looking at her lover with tear filled eyes. Voldemort sighs. He could feel how upset Jabe was through their bond and it almost made him rethink his decision. But this was the one time those words wouldn't change his mind. He needed to do this. He had to. For Cellie. And for jabe. "I have to this Jabe. You know I have too. I'm sorry." Jabe sighs before leaning down and scooping Voldemort into her arms. 

She holds him tightly and close to her heart. "If you are set on doing this tom. Let me help you. Please. Because if this goes wrong-" Jabes voice chokes with tears. Voldemort nods. "If it will make you feel better my love. Everything will be alright. I promise." He whispers. Jabe nods with tears still hugging Voldemort close. "If I can't stop you from doing this tom, then I'm going to help you. I don't support this. But I won't let you do it alone." 

Voldemort smiles and gently runs his fingers through jabes hair in an attempt at comforting her. "I know my love. Lucius should be arriving soon with our victim. After it is done, will you bring Cellie?" Jabe sighs. " If course tom. You know she won't leave you side when she finds out about this." Voldemort sighs. " I know my queen. But I don't have the heart to keep her away. And it is most likely she already knows. She is so smart, that keeping this from her would be nearly impossible." Jabe sighs and nods before gently setting Voldemort down. 

"I am ready master." Nagini says curling up beside her master. Nagini had been watching and seeing her mistress in tears made her upset. But she was ready to receive her masters soul. This was an honor she would never refuse. The physical process of making a horcrux was physically and mentally exhausting as well as gruesome and horrifying. But Jabe didn't care. Voldemort's horcruxes were the reason he was still alive. And for that Jabe was grateful. After the process was complete, Voldemort would be physically exhausted for a good while. It would be a miracle if he was able to stay awake. 

And as much as Jabe really didn't want to do this, she knew she couldn't stop Voldemort. So she would support him and help him with this. Voldemort nods and turns to jabe. "Jabe, do you have my wand?" Voldemort asks. Jabe sighs and nods. "You know I do tom." Voldemort nods once more. "I am going to need it." Jabe sighs hesitantly. "Tom, your core-" Jabe begins. "It will be alright my love. Please." Jabe feels her resolve break when Voldemort says this. "That's not fair. You know I can't say no to you." 

Voldemort chuckles and gently runs a few fingers over jabes cheek. "You never could." Jabe sniffles and rolls her eyes. "I'll be back. Nagini willl make sure he's safe while I'm gone?" Nagini nods her head. "Of course mistress. Anyone who dares to harm master should make a tasty snack." This makes both Voldemort and Jabe chuckle. " Well you have my permission to eat anyone who tries to hurt him. I'm going to hold you to that." Nagini nods. "Mistress is so kind to me." Jabe gently rubs her hand down Nagini's head before standing and walking out, with a loud pop following.

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