Chapter seventeen- Bonding

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Jabe looks up as Lucius walks in the door with a big box levitating behind him. "Have you got it?" Bellatrix asks from her spot guarding Wormtail. Lucius nods and goes over giving narcissa a kiss. He then switches guards with Bellatrix. 

Bellatrix comes over and watches as the snake inside the box thrashes and hisses violently. Jabe reaches over and gently takes Voldemorts good hand. "Tom it's time." She says gently. Voldemort gives a weak nod. 

He wasn't ready for this. The very pain of his mind being ripped from his weak body would be more then he had ever experienced. Present pain included. Bellatrix sighs and motions for narcissa to come over. "You and Jabe will need to hold him down. This is going to be painful." Jabe shakes her head at this. 

She didn't want Voldemort to be in anymore pain. " Jabes we have no choice. This has to be done." Narcissa says gently. Voldemort weakly squeezes jabes hand and she sighs. "It's ok..." he whispers. This had to be done. 

Even if he wasn't ready for it. Jabe leans down and gently presses her lips to his, earning a smile from the dark lord. "Alright. Lets do this." Bellatrix sighs. Jabe squeezes Voldemort's hand once move before gently braising him. 

Jabe made sure that she was gently around Voldemort's broken back. Jabe gives Bellatrix's her wand, since her wand had been destroyed. After all of this was over, narcissa was going to help her sister get a new one. 

But until then Bellatrix was using her sisters wands. Bellatrix sighs. "Engernautus!" She begins chanting slowly. Voldemorts eyes widen as fire begins to fill him as he feels his mind being ripped from his body. 

It took all of Voldemorts willpower not to scream. This pain was unlike any pain he had ever felt. And with good reason. His mind was being ripped from his body, ripping away from the mental walls inside Voldemorts head and slowly rising up above his body. Slowly a blinding blue light begins forming above Voldemort's body. 

Jabe knew this was Voldemorts entire essence. His soul, his mind. Him. Jabe finds herself reaching out her hand. Bellatrix goes to stop her but Narcissa interveins. "No it's ok. She can't hurt him. She's the only person in existence who can physically touch his soul." And as Narcissa says this slowly Jabes fingers make contact with Voldemorts soul. 

Amazing feelings begin to immediately surround Jabe. She felt incredible. She felt warm and safe and loved. She felt all the love Voldemorts soul held for her. She could feel his everything. His emotions, his thoughts. 

Though she had been able to feel this before, this it was different. It was on a massively larger scale. Jabe could feel Voldemort inside her. Touching her very soul. Spreading to every part of her body. It wasn't painful in fact it was quite the opposite. 

It felt incredible. Jabe had never felt this way in her life. She wanted more. She didn't want it to stop. Jabe embraced the feeling, curling her finger deeping into Voldemorts soul. And a small whimper escapes Jabe. It wasn't a whimper of pain, no it was a whimper of pleasure. "Tom..." Jabe whispers as she feels Voldemorts presence inside her head. 

Voldemorts soul slipped through jabes mental shields and surrounded her mind. Clouding her vision and soon Jabe could see everything Voldemort had ever seen. But this meant Jabe saw all the pain and sowrrow her beloved mate had been through. She saw through his eyes the years they had been apart. 

And she could feel the pain he felt when Jabe had called out to him through their bond. The sheer amount of the pain. It made her heart hurt. A small whimper escape Jabe once more. Soon that pain in her heart is lifted as Voldemorts soul surrounds Jabe completely. Blocking her from view. His soul glowed so bright that veryone in the room had to cover their eyes. Narcissa recognized what was happening. 

Jabes soul was binding into Voldemorts. They were fulfilling the bond. And in a way. They were mating. The entire thing had been beautiful and soon the light fades. Jabe felt dissy and faint and watches as Voldemorts soul descends into the box disappearing from view and joining with the snakes body. 

Narcissa is quick to catch her older sister as her knees give out. Jabe was going to be exhausted after what had just happened. The binding of two souls did take a lot out of a person. "Cissy... Did we just-" "Yes. Your soul is now one with his." Narcissa says and from where Lucius sat, he smiles. 

He could vividly remember the day his soul bonded with narcissas. He would always remember. He would never be able to forget it. It would always be the best day of his life, The day their souls became one. 

Bellatrix turns her head and unspells the box so she could open it. Jabe watches as Bellatrix reaches in and gently brings the large unconscious snake out. "Is he alright. Tell me he's ok Bella!" Jabe panicks. 

Bellatrix shushes her sister and gently lays Voldemort down on the bed. "He's alright Jabe. He just needs to rest. After what just happened. It's no suprise that's he's out." Bellatrix says with pain in her heart. 

It hurt seeing Jabe bond her soul with her masters. But in a way it only made Bellatrix want to find her own soul mate even more. Jabe nods and kneels down beside Voldemort who was as still as a rock. Jabe gently strokes Voldemorts head and seeing the tears in her eyes, Bellatrix hugs her sister tightly.

 "He's alright Jabe. The spell worked." Belatrix repeats. Jabe nods but didn't slow her tears. Bellatrix sighs and gently makes Jabe look at her. "He just needs to rest jabe. The spell has left him weak. So it will be a while before he wakes. 

But he will wake." Bellatrix says. Jabe nods and gently scoops Voldemort up into her arms. Settling on the bed she gently lays Voldemort down on her lap. Jabes eyes take in Voldemorts new body. Then a thought occurred to her. Voldemort would be able to see her. He had his sight back. Even if it was temporary. 

A few more tears slip down jabes face and she looks over at her two sisters. "He's not blind anymore bells. Not while he's in this body." Bellatrix feels her eyes widen and a small smile comes to her face. Bellatrix would always feel horrible for being the cause of her masters blindness. So this. 

It took some weight off her shoulders. "Let him rest jabe." Narcissa says gently. Jabe shakes her head. "No. I'm never leaving him again. Not after what's happened." Narcissa sighs knowing she wasn't going to be able to change jabes mind. 

"Very well. Let me know when he wakes." She says. Jabe nods. Then her two sisters and Lucius walk out dragging Wormtail behind them, leaving Jabe alone with her bonded. Little did any of them know. Jabe and Voldemorts lives were about to be change forever. And not in a bad way.

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