Chapter Twenty-three- The next morning

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The next morning when Jabe woke, she found Voldemort curled gently around her with his head resting on her chest. Jabe couldn't help but smile and run a hand down Voldemorts warm head. After last nights events it was good to feel the heat coming off of Voldemorts skin.

Voldemort cracks a smile and sleepily opens his eyes. "That tickles..." He whispers making jabe smile. Jabe leans down and gently presses a kiss to Voldemorts head only making his smile grow.

"How do you feel tom?" Jabe asks softly. Voldemort looks up and meets her eyes. "Better." He whispers. Jabe gives a nod. After the events of yesterday Voldemort would need his rest.

But this morning he was feeling much better. Even though he was still weak. "Good. But you still need your rest." This makes Voldemort chuckle softly. "I'll be alright my queen. You know this." Jabe sighs.

"I've almost lost you so many times tom. Until you're strong again. I'm never going to stop worrying. Even when you are strong again, not even then. I can't lose you again tom. I don't even want to think about what I would do if I lost you again."

Voldemort smiles and curls slightly tighter around Jabe. "I know my queen. But I'm not going anywhere. I promise." Jabe returns with a nod and gently strokes Voldemorts cheek, causing him to lean into her hand.

Voldemort gives a small smile as he feels Cellie shift closer to him. "Daddy will be ok right?" This echos through jabes head. "What?" Voldemort asks knowing that Cellie was talking with Jabe. "She's worried about you tom. She loves you."

Voldemort can't keep the smile from his face as he hears this. He gently rests his head on jabes ever growing stomach. "Daddy is going to be just fine my princess. You don't need to worry about me."

Voldemorts tone was soft and gentle and it filled Jabe with happiness that came from Cellie. "Daddy is right baby. You don't need to worry." Jabe whispers resting a hand on her stomach.

"She is growing so fast tom. How long do you think it will be until it's time?" Voldemort sighs and shake some his head. "Soul children are incredibly rare. She is going to one of the most powerful witches to ever live, but there's no telling how long it's going to be." Voldemort says.

Jabe nods. "Once she's born, our princess is going to grow quickly. But from what I know, her growth rate will even out after a while." Voldemorts tone was full of pride. For his child. His daughter. She was a peice of him.

And he would love her as much as he loved jabe. "Tom..." Jabe sighs with worry. Feeling jabes fear through their connected souls Voldemort comfortingly says "She will love a full life my queen. Physically she will age but she will live a full life."

Jabe sighs in relief and nods. Jabe slowly starts to stand and Voldemort moves so he was resting on her shoulders. "How does a soak sound tom. It will do you some good." Voldemort smiles and nods.

"That sounds wonderful my queen." Voldemort had grown incredibly found of this body. He was able to do the things he could never do in his other body. Voldemort so greatly enjoyed this body.

But he knew this wasn't going to last. With every passing moment Voldemort could feel his other body healing at a rapid pace. His other body, his rudimentary form, was basically an empty shell therefor it was healing at a faster rate.

Voldemort was dreading the moment he would have to go back to his other body. He still hated the fact that Jabe had to see him like that. And now his princess would have to as well. But Voldemort didn't have the heart to keep Cellie away from him anymore.

He knew it would break her heart and that was something Voldemort could never do. He would never hurt his princess like that. He couldn't even bare the thought of it. Voldemort hoped that Cellie would be born before he had to return to his other body.

He wanted to be able to see his daughter when she was born. He wanted to see her with his own eyes. To see how beautiful she would be. He wanted to be able to see if she's would look like him or Jabe. He wanted to be able to see her.

This was something he could never do in his other body. And at the rate that Cellie was growing, he just might be able to. "You will tom. If she's not born before your body is healed I promise you. I'll find a way for you to see her with your own eyes." Jabe whispers after feeling Voldemorts emotions.

Voldemort smiles and presses his cheek to jabes. He didn't even need to say thank you. Jabe could feel his emotions. And what she's felt was more powerful then any words could ever be.

After walking into the bathroom an filling up the tub Jabe settles down in the hot soak with Voldemort. Voldemort lets out a soft hiss of pleasure as his skin makes contact with the hot water. "Comfortable tom?" Jabe chuckles. Voldemort rolls his eyes but nods anyway. "You know I am." He responds resting his head on her chest.

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