Ep.14: Bottomless Pit

Start from the beginning

Dipper: We're gonna land on something eventually! It could be any second now!!!

You, Dipper, Mabel, Stan, and Soos: *prepare for the impact* ...

Stan: Well, looks like we're down here for the long hall. *takes out some jack cards* Who wants to see some cards tricks?!? *tries to shuffle the cards which fly upwards and out of his hands* ... Ta-da!!!!

Mabel: *claps*

Soos: Hey, maybe we should pass the time by telling stories!!!

Dipper: I've got a story! It's called: the time Grunkle Stan got us all thrown into a bottomless pit where we spend the rest of our natural lives!!!

Soos: ...go on.

You: C'mon Dip, you can do better than that.

Dipper: Fine. *takes Mabel's glow stick* I'll tell you a story. A story I like to call Voice Over.

Voice Over: Third Person POV

You, Mabel, Soos, and Wendy were outside playing Spin The Pig with Waddles while Stan was on the porch reading a newspaper.

Mabel: Ready?!?

You, Mabel, Wendy, and Soos: SPIN!!!THE!!! PIG!!!

Mabel and Soos: *spin Waddles who ends up pointing at Stan*

Mabel: *hugs Waddles* Hey Grunkle Stan, ever kissed a pig before?

Stan: I'm not gonna answer that question.

Dipper: *comes running* Guys, guys!!!! I think I just got bit by a snake!!!! I need you to get me to a hospital, quick!!!

Stan: *starts to laugh uncontrollably*

Dipper: What, what's so funny?!?

Stan: Eh, sorry, it's just hard to focus on what you're with that squeaky puberty voice you got there!!!

Dipper: My what?!?

Mabel: It's nothing to be ashamed of, Dipper! You're voice is just "hiLAriOus!!!"

Dipper: Are you saying my voice cracks?!? My voice doesn't crack!!!

Soos: Dude, no offense, but it cracks so much we already made a techo-remix out of it. *takes out a mixtape*

"Nice to meet you, my name's Dipper Pines! P-p-pines pines pines... Nice to meet you. P-p-pines pines pines... "

Dipper: Do I really sound like that...?

You: ...

Wendy: Oh, here comes my favorite part!!!

"Stop it, guys!!!"

Mabel, Wendy, and Soos: *laugh*

Dipper: *snatches the mixtape* Gimme that!!! *storms off into the forest*

(y/n) wanted to follow Dipper, but decided not to. Leave him time to cool off. Dipper went for a walk when he bumped into Old Man McGucket who brought him into his junk yard. He gave Dipper a strange potion and said it would change his voice. He drank it, then came back to the Mystery Shack. The next morning...

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