32 | Orchid

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"Hi, yeah...I just saw that I called you last night."

"Yes, you did. At 1:30...am."

"Oh, sorry about that Orchid. I don't remember much."

"That does not surprise me."


"You were...uh...you sounded pretty...out of it."


"Yeah. Drunk."

"That's embarrassing.

"Yeah, well it happens..."

"No, it shouldn't. It's not going to become a habit. It just kind of escalated quickly, but it won't happen again."

"Good, because I have to admit I was a little worried."


"Yeah, it was weird. You didn't sound like yourself, you didn't sound like Alec."

"Hm. What did we end up talking about?"

"Oh, just uh, you mixed up unicorns and horses so I had to explain that to you, and you decided to call Tristan, Triscuit because you thought they sounded similar."

"That's it?"

"Yeah pretty much, why?"

"Well, Tristan said that after I got off the phone I was in kind of a bad mood."

"Oh. Well, you wanted to FaceTime me and I didn't want to."


"Because...it was 1 in the morning and I was sleeping."

"Ah. I see. Yeah that was probably it."



"So are you making your famous hangover eggs?"

"Actually yeah, Tristan and my other friend Leo are still sleeping so I'm just helping myself."

"Oh, you haven't gone home yet?"

"No, not yet. I don't want Layla to see me like this. Not that I look really bad right now, I'm just looking a little..."


"Ha, yeah. Rough."

"Hey dude, you making eggs?"


"Who are you talking to?"

"Orchid, the girl I called last night."

"Really? Why?"


"Because, I wanted to talk to her."

"Again, why?"


"Tristan, what's your problem?"

"You really don't remember what you were talking about last night?"





"Alec, what is he saying?"

"Hey Daisy, I'm going to call you back, ok?"



"Alec? Shoot. He called me Daisy and not orchid...That's not good."

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