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I put Fido on his ass in two seconds flat and then again three seconds later when he tried to rush me, then five seconds later when he tried for a sneak attack.

The instructors were looking at me wide eyed and I rolled my eyes as Fido got to his feet again, this time his body was shaking and I knew hat he was about to shift. I stepped back as his upper body fell forward and landed on all fours as a brown wolf the size of a small horse.

I was sort of impressed.

He growled and began stalking me, I sent him a smile and he bared his teeth at me.

"My grandma what big teeth you have." I say and chuckle. He growls and launches himself at me. Like all the other times before this, I dodge to the side and throw a punch into his side. He yelps and jumps away from me but comes right back again, this time snapping his sharp teeth at my face, I lean back out of the way and bring my hand up and hit him in his throat.

He makes a wierd hissing sound and shakes his giant head from side to side.

I stepped back and crossed my arms over my chest as I waited for him to get himself back together.

While waiting the instructor shouted out that there was only fifteen more minutes until the end of the period and my eyes went wide. I held my hand up to Fido and he cocked his head to the side.

"Sorry, can we finish this another time? I really gotta go." I tell him while jogging backwards towards the door. The was no way that I was going to be stuck in the locker room with those crazy girls again.

I ran out of the room ignoring the angry instructors shouting at my back.

I showered and dressed as quickly as possible and was on my way out by the time the first girl walked into the locker room.

I walked down the hall and leaned besides the door and waited for Amelia and Crystal's class to let out.

About five minutes later the bell rang and people began walking out of the class. Amelia and Crystal came out not long after with their heads together, whispering to each other.

They didn't even notice me leaning against the side of the door. Pushing off the door I sneaked up behind them before throwing my arms around the two of them and screaming boo.

They screamed and jumped and I was laughing so hard that my stomach hurt. When I straightend up I saw the two of them glaring at me and a few people were looking at us.

"Sorry." I say chuckling.

Amelia shook her head before smiling at me and Crystal giggled softly.

We went to the rest of our classes for the day without any incidents and people kept their distance from us.

"Guess I'll see you guys tomorrow." Crystal said with slumped shoulders as she turned away from us.

"Wait where are going the days not over yet." I said to her back and she turned back to face us looking confused.

"Come on." Amelia said and took her hand dragging her to the elevator with me followimg behind.

We got off on the floor with all the shops. When those doors opened I must say that I was impressed. The place looked like a mall. Stores, arcades and food courts were everywhere. The place was filled with people, kids screaming running around, different cliques of teens loitering around and judging other cliques.

See just like a normal mall.

We actually had to drag Crystal into the first store and she tried to fight us every inch of the way.

When she tried on a pair of shorts and shirt combo we along with her discovered she had an amazing body. I must have been staring to long because she blushed and I got the back of my head slapped.

From then on I only looked at her for a few seconds before I looked away.

We took her into nearly every store they had, buying everything she'd think she might need. When we got to the underwear store she pushed me and Amelia away saying that she could do this part by herself. Her face was red the entire time.

By the time we were done we had so many bags that they had to get seven trollies to move them.

We walked Crystal to her room and were shocked at what we saw. Where as our room was grand, hers was barely big enough for her to stand up properly in.

I looked at her and she ducked her head in shame. The helpers who had brought all of the purchaces were standing behind us waiting.

I turned and told them to carry the bags to my room and I grabbed Crystals hand and we walked back to the elevator amd went down to the offices.

I stormed past all the people in their cubicles and threw open the door to the only office.

The man behind the desk jumped as the door slammed against the wall.

"What is the meaning of this?!" He shouted at me once he had regained his senses.

I paced back and forth, clenching and unclenching my hands and Amelia and Crystal stood off to the side of the room.

"Who do you think you are to just barge into my office....." I cut him off.

"I need another room with a double bed." I said through gritted teeth and he furrowed his eyebrows at my words.

"What....." I cut him off again.

"I don't care where it's located I just want the key for the room. Now." I said and shook his head no.

"Call those assholes on the council and tell them Dealia Frost told you to do it." I growled out and the color drained from his face.

With shaky movements he nodded his head and typed a few things on his compter before handing me a key.

"I apologise Ms. Frost......" I snatched the key out of his trembling fingers and followed Amelia and Crystal out of the room.

The workers in the cubicle watched our progress across the room silently until we got into the elevator.

I stood a little away from the two of them trying to calm myself down.

When we got to our room the bags were already there and the other girls were trying to peak in the bags. As soon as they saw us they jumped away.

I stormed past them and threw open blondies door.

"What the hell?!" She screached as she fell off of her bed.

"Your moving out." I said and threw the new key at her.

She caught it before glaring at me.

"Who the hell do you think you are to try and kick me out?!" She continued shouting as I flung open her closet and started taking down her clothes.

"What are doing?! Don't touch my things!" She shouted and we fought over a shirt on a hanger.

I let my side go and she fell back, landing on her butt and she glared up at me.

"I got you your own private room. Wouldn't that be better than sharing with us commoners?" I asked her and didn't wait for her answer as I resumed taking down her stuff.

Two hours later with the help of some movers she was gone and Crystal was settling into her new room. We would help her unpack later but right now me and Amelia had some business to take care of.

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