What girls are made of

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Out of the shadows step twelve men, vampires to be exact.

"What do you want? I don't have the time or the patience for this" I tell them.

"Were here to kill you rogue, you attacked our King." The leader of the group continues.

I had to think for a moment about what king I had attacked recently.

yes there's been that many.

"Oh! Do you mean casper? That asshole had it coming." I say as I laugh.

"He is the king of the vampires and I won't allow you to continue with such disrespect!" He shouts at me.

"You and what army? but just remember to kill me when you try because if you don't fight to kill do not approach me because I will kill you. Here's your chance now turn around and leave and I'll let you go."

He laughs at me. He actually laughs at me.

"I'm a five hundred year old master vampire, you've no chance against me. I'll teach you to respect your betters." He says and motions his minions towards me.

I sigh and turn to look at Amelia whose eyes are as wide as saucers.

"Don't move okay? Stay right there I'll be right back." I finish as the first vamp reaches me.

I whip around pulling out my nine millimeter at the same time. I unload two bullets into him before he can finish his swing with his blade, one into his head the other in his heart, he disintergrates into a pile of ash just as the others reach me.

"Here we go boys" I say as I begin to move at a speed beyond any creature, dodging strikes and unloading bullets into them.

It's over almost as quickly as it starts and soon I'm standing in a cloud of ash. This stuff is everywhere, in my hair and sticking to my clothes. I'm sneezing like crazy as I try to get off as much as possible.

Only me, Amelia and Mr. I kiss my kings ass are left. Both are looking at me with astonished expressions.

"What?" I say looking between them. "Do I have something in my teeth?"

Amelia shakes her head no.

"Impossible." The vamp murmurs.

"No creature on earth can move that fast."

I shrug my shoulders. "Yeah well."

"Anyway only one more and I'll be right with you babe." I say as I make my way over to the last vamp.

He turns to try and flee.

"KNEEL" I shout and he drops down to his knees staring up at me with fright.

I crouched down in front of him until we were eye level.

"Do you remember what I told you before we started all of this?"

He nods his head. I motined for him to go on. He swallowed thickly before clearing his throat.

"Y-yoou said t-too kill you w-when we t-tried b-because you w-would k-kill us." He stuttered to a finish.

"Right, so why would you think I would let you just run away? I asked pointing my gun at his chest.

He says nothing so I pull the trigger. One in his heart one in his head. He was ashes before his body could fall back on the ground.

Dusting myself off I headed back towards my bike. Amelia jumps off and dives into my arms hugging me tight.

"What is it?" I ask and pull away a little from her.

She shakes her head indicating nothing and pulls me back to her.

I deposit her once again on the bike, she slides back so I can get on. I start the bike and we pull off.


Its short I know. I'm sorry but my brain started to hurt.



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