:.More than anything

Start from the beginning

You had been dating Sherlock for almost a year now. It was amazing. You finally found someone who was as smart and cunning as you were. You first started off as partners. He wanted you to help him and John solve crimes. Soon, it grew into something more. You were in love.

'She has many psychological problems,' Sherlock continued. 'Watch out for her. We don't want that anyone to get hurt.' You nodded, meaning you understood. An exciting thrill went through your body.

'Shall we go in?' You asked, trying to express the excitement from showing. You started walking towards the old factory. The closer you came, the bigger it became.

You pushed the big, steel door open. It squeaked as it scraped over the ground. You smelled a scent of oil and dust as soon as you walked into a large hall. It was disgusting.

The hall was completely empty on the inside. The steel walls were covered in dirt and were very rusty. Dust could be found in every little corner.

John covered his mouth with the sleeve of his coat. He cought loudly.

'It smells so bad,' he said, with a disgusting look on his face. You just stood still and let your eyes wonder through the hall. There were 2 doors, leading to different halls, and a couple of stairs that looked somewhat unstable. The woman was nowhere to be seen.

'She's not in this hall,' you told Sherlock, who was standing by your side. His eyes were resting on your face. He watched you quietly, feeling at ease. He had the cutest smile on his face.

'Let's split up,' Sherlock porposed. 'We will call each other when we find her.'

'Alright,' John said. 'I'll take the door on the left, Sherlock takes the door on the right. Y/N look upstairs.' You nodded and turned to Sherlock. You gave him a kiss on his cheek.

'Stay safe,' you smiled.

'You too,' Sherlock said.

'Always.' Sherlock nodded, while slowly walking to the door on the right. You started walking towards the stairs. Your footsteps echoed through the large halls. Slowly, you worked your way up the staires. You had to be careful. It looked as if the staiway could collapse any minute now.

Luckily it didn't. You safely arrived upstairs. There was a large hall that had great lighting, due to the many windows that were installed. The windows started at the ceiling and went down the large factory wall. The ceiling was held up by large pillars that were made of stone. They were in a good shape, compared to the rest of the factory.

You cautiously walked into the hall. You could hear a young woman grunting and two sets of footsteps echoed through the hall. You focussed on the sounds.

'Please!' The young woman begged. You could recognise her voice. It was the woman that was taken from the grocery store.

You let your eyes wonder past the many pillars and large walls, trying to find out where Jane was. You saw her standing against one of the walls.

You slowly started walking towards her, observing the situation. She held a ferm grip on the hostage. She had a scent of fear in her bright, green eyes. Her left hand was shaking, indicating that she was indeed scared. She held a gun in her right hand. That hand wasn't shaking. She could fire a accurate shot, even if she was scared. She had done it before.

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