Get The Fuck Out My Face- Rich Homie Quan

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I woke up at 7:10 and jumped in the shower. When I got out I threw on my white Versace shirt,  black cargo shorts, and my Lebron Everglades 11's with the matching socks.

I went downstairs and was greeted by Khalil's momma.  If Khalil wasn't my best friend, I damn sure could be that nigga step dad.  I went to the pantry and pulled out some pancake mix.

"Hey, momma " I slid across the kitchen with a huge smile on my face.

"I just made some waffles, Jordan they're in the microwave " she already knew what I wanted.  I kissed her on the cheek and got the waffles out the microwave.

Six waffles all for me.  She shouldn't have.

Khalil came down stairs after I had washed my plate.

"My moms gone? " he opened the microwave and looked dead at me.

"Yea, she just left." I said putting the plate back in the cabinet .

"Where the waffles at, she said she was making us some waffles "  he looked all around the kitchen.

"Damn bruh. Them niggas Snap, Crackle and Pop came in here and took the waffles. I was like "Aye little dudes put that down",but they was too fast " I said throwing my backpack over my shoulder.

"Nigga,  you telling me the dudes from the Rice Krispies took the waffles? " he shook his head.

Long story short he made me buy him breakfast .

I had Geometry for first period so I went in and switched desks with Stacy cause I didn't feel like sitting by Lala.

"Well, Mr. Jackson since you've decided to sit in the front today,  why don't you tell me the square root of sixty-nine" Mr. Falcon always fuckin with me.  I was eating my dorritos quiet as fuck, minding my business.

"The square root of sixty - nine is 8 something right?"

"cause I been trynna work it out ahhhh " the whole class added. 

We all burst out laughing and to be honest I had the question half right,  so he gave me a 100 for participation.  He better had,  interrupting my early morning snack and shit.

In English two we we're acting out some play. I volunteered to be the dead guy, so I could take a nap on the ground. Easiest class all semester.

Third period I had gym,  my favorite class next to lunch. Khalil always said lunch wasn't a class. What would he know he copys off my homework.

All period I was going one on one with Khalil. I also felt Lala staring a hole in the back of my head.

When lunch came I got a spicy chicken sandwich, some dorritos  , a ice cream sandwich and a Gatorade. Khalil took the liberty of throwing a salad on my tray. 

As soon as I sat down I put my headphones  in, I didn't want to talk to anybody. 

Headphones = leave me alone.

I had Rich Homie Quan blasting through my beats.

Then Lala walked up and attempted to talk to me.

I looked at her and smiled then unplugged my headphones.

Boy get the fuck out my face

Y'all get the fuck out my face

Please get the fuck out my face

Someone get him out my face

Please get the fuck out my muh'fuckin' face

Please get the fuck out my muh'fuckin' face

Please get the fuck out my muh'fuckin' face

Bitch get the fuck out my face

Khalil thought the shit was funny. I didn't see shit funny. I wanted her to be as far away from me as possible.

She looked like she was about to cry.

I didn't see where I should give a fuck.

She starting crying. I politely got out my seat, walked passed her and exited the cafeteria .

I went to biology and sat in my seat.

About five minutes later the class flooded in.  We were dicecting frogs today and this nigga Khalil was going "free the animals" and shit.

"Aye, Mr. Smith is these frogs still alive.  "

"Some of them Khalil, when you cut open the heart they'll die"

"Hey man that's fu- messed up, how you just gone murder the frogs like that bruh?" he was on one of his save the animals rants. 

Nigga wasn't talking bout saving the animals when he was eating that bacon sandwich this morning.

After school I had to go to the clinic to let them swab my mouth. It's gonna take two to three weeks for the results. 

My granny was coming over tonight to cook and I was ready to get home. 

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