"Master, refrain yourself! You will got the mistress very soon" Air said calmly as he look at his master with blank eyes

Land and Water look at their master same as Air, their master is hopeless to gain attention

"No! I will do it now, flies will starts to gather around her, give me some punches, injure me badly" the cold of an iceblock man said with a straight face making the four shock

'Their master wants them to punch and injure him? Simply no, no no no no'

"What are you talking about master?" Water dumbfoundedly ask, are their master really serious about it?

"Injure me"

'Oh their pride as the shadow guards of the powerful highness of the north is crumbling right now'

Their dignity!! Slowly crumbling and wreck into pieces

What if one of their enemies manage to see their master acting like a beggar and wounded? What if the enemies saw their cold, cruel, heartless, ruthless, merciless, master act smithen infront of her soon to be mistress?

Oh the shame they can feel it! They want to cry but tears are not falling

If the misstress ain't gaining attention, this cold master of theirs won't be desperate to reveal himself and monopolize her attention

They can only shake their heads and cry then sulk at a corner


I know, I know

Sorry for late update and for creating such bipolar characters

Let just think they have personality problems, *their moods is change when base to my personality, *whisper* I'm a bipolar too with or w/out period*

So, do you believe that I forgotten the name of our his Highness prince of the north? Hehehe, dont worry I will browse my past chaps to know

Do you like Shi Wei La to win all the challenges? Do you want Shi Qiqe to be a fool infront of the people? *I'm sure all of you agree to this* Do you want the his highness prince of the north appear soon?

Vote if you like, Comment if you want, Follow if you love

God Bless us All

The Ruthless And Merciless Woman(Hiatus State)Where stories live. Discover now