Beautiful Art vs. Morons in the Twenty-First Century

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This one is sort of off the wall, but if you've read My Anthologie, the Revenge of Feidre Drummond , you may be aware of my sudden and quite overwhelming interest in paintings of previous eras.

Well, onto my rant.  I have spent that past several days looking for the perfect face for the father in my second book in my Anthologie.

And honey, let me tell you now. Stop looking at Instagram, Facebook, and whatever social networking site that trots up 'modern art' and 'entertainment', download this sweet little app called Pinterest,  and search 'impressionist oil paintings'. Or hell, do what I did, and Google 'men in oil paintings'.

Then come back and tell me Kim Kardashian's naked selfies  are 'modern art.'

If that's modern art, build a time machine and send this girl back, circa 1870/1900 and let me die an old, happy woman in 1956. 

Because this,  my friends, is art. This, dear friends, is beauty that deserves fame and renown.


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This portrait makes the rise of selfies and internet ducklips look like it is

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

This portrait makes the rise of selfies and internet ducklips look like it is. Absolute twatadiddle and wanna-boffs hard up for sexual encounters.

Speaking of which, this next one had me thinking very wicked things about a man dedicated to God, sworn to not... wanna-boff... and I'm probably some kind of future relation!  . *time theories are SO. FUN*

Oh, but since it's the 21st century and WE HAVE THIS THING CALLED PHOTO MANIPULATION

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

Oh, but since it's the 21st century and WE HAVE THIS THING CALLED PHOTO MANIPULATION...

Guess what the bright minds of our generation decided was a great meme.
If I may.. "MODERN... ART..."

Now please,  don't get me wrong

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

Now please,  don't get me wrong.  I love Mads Mikkelsen.  He's an incredible actor.


This isn't cute, or funny, or even "heh"  worthy. 

This is defacement. I get it. I get that it's a joke.  BUT DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO STAY SANE...  *whisper - screams* when i see George over tanned Clooney superimposed over the face of a soldier?!

Or I see some knucklehead has decided it's funny to deface EVERY portrait of a soldiers prior to the advent of widespread camera accessibility WITH. THE. PHOTOGRAPHED. FACES. OF. FILM. STARS?  And honey, I am not talking Clark Gable. 


Or Micheal Cera from... Superbad. (Yes, I wish I was joking too.)

The irony alone has me torn between laughing and beating my brains out searching for the originals that the overachieving numbskulls have BURIED!! under their ridiculous and horribly edited "ima get some" meme aquisitions. 

Just to clarify, I don't mind (much), the word addendum to most Renaissance era artwork in an attempt to get in with the kids and expose them to culture.

I mind this stupid Communist art pose of George Takei on a French soldier with added effects to make the lovely red and blue tones that really bring out that 'official photo sanctioned for publicity' look alongside Fidel Castro's, cuddled in with Kim Jeoung Un.

No. I'm not showing you that. Find it yourself if you want your eyes violated. I'm not going to be party to the spread of mental delinquence that has spawned such an abomination against humanity.

And I shouldn't get so wound out about it...

But  I met a person who honestly argued the cultural importance of THE FUCKING MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE  TO JULIUS CAESAR.

And no, Julius Caesar, First Emperor of Rome, did not equal the importance of goddamn Spider-Man. Much less a Stan Lee cameo.

But you really want to know what's cranked a knot in my tail and yanked?

There's NOTHING being said and/or being said about this. (Yes, that's why I'm ranting psychotically)
Nothing. Not a peep.

*pinches nose*
*winces* (probably shouldn't do that until the bridge finishes healing )

Yes. I have a headache.  No, I don't think modern medicine can cure it.  I have an idea though.

I might be better off just allowing them to put me in troll-accessible only areas and letting me rip out the souls of reality TV stars as their adoring fans watch, as opposed to overdosing on Tylenol.
That might help.  And JK Rowling's Mini-Death-Eaters.
And while we're at it, send in the fans of Jersey Shore and Real Housewives of all Cities there is a Real Housewives Show, and let me at 'em.

I'll do Gina Falcone proud. 

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