Chapter 13

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WARNING: Swearing.

I woke up to the smell of fresh baguettes. Well, actually, burning baguettes.


"Oh, nothing to worry about, mon ami!" Laf says, while laughing nervously.

Then the smoke alarm came off. Might I remind you, the smoke alarms are placed in the dorms and hallways, so we woke up the entire freaking floor. Also, just to make it perfect, it was 6:30, A IN THE FUCKING M.

"WAY TO GO LAF, WOKE UP THE ENTIRE FUCKING FLOOR!" I shouted while opening the door.

Who the hell has sex until 2AM? Plus, who in their right mind bakes at 6:30AM?! I shot up from bed and furiously walked out the door. NO ONE messes with (Y/N) when she is sleep-deprived. And I mean NO ONE. I'm ready to find out who this asshat is and-

I bump into someone. Oh I bet it's that asshat who's been baking all this crap!

"Are you the cunt that was baking at this shitty hour?" I grabbed his shirt.

I looked up and realized it was John, then immediately dropped him. My attitude completely changed.

"Oh-oh my gosh- I am so sorry, I really didn't mean to uhh.. do that." I stuttered.

"Hey, good morning to you too. First of all, what a strong little lady you are! Second of all, you look pretty shitty." He chuckled.

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock, I've been trapped with two sexually tensed college kids. Next thing you know, they're going to be the family from Cheaper by the Dozen."

John burst out laughing as I stared him down. He looked back at me and had a more serious face.

"No, but really, what time did you sleep?" He asked, a bit of worry in his tone.

"3. AM. They had sex until two, then they literally had like, a full course meal right after. I was only able to sleep an hour later because that's the only time they turned off the lights."

"Damn, three and a half hours of sleep?"

"Don't worry, it's pretty normal. I was able to sleep like that for five days straight." I sighed. Suddenly, both of us whipped our heads to the same direction when we heard a familiar voice, shrieking in French.

"MERDE, HOW DO I TURN OFF THE OVEN DEVIL?!" Laf screamed while holding a burnt baguette.

"Well, we know the culprit now." I sighed. "Let's just stop the smoke alarm and grab a bite, wanna come with?" I asked John, still quite exhausted. "Yeah, sure, I'd rather not eat a burnt baguette." He said, while quietly chuckling. After multiple tries of trying to turn off the smoke alarm, I finally got it. I made my way back to my dorm, not caring about anything else but getting ready for breakfast. I slipped on a pair of black ripped jean shorts, put a white Twenty-One Pilots shirt on, wore my red Converse and put my hair in a messy bun. I yawned stepping out, not noticing John and bumping into him once more.

"Bro, you gotta tell be if you're standing right in front of my dorm door." I warned.

It was quite the silent walk on our way to Moonbucks (lmAo plEase don't kill me I thought it way funny, okay??). So being the socially awkward person I am, I tried to start a conversation.

"Huh, feels pretty chilly today, am I right?" I asked, nervous.

"(Y/N). Are you trying to start a conversation?" He asked, really confused.

"WHOA! How'd you find me out?" I asked, while making a snapping action.

"I'm wearing shorts and you're wearing shorts. Pretty chilly day. I mean like, it's okay, you tried hard enough." He looked at me, smiled, and giggled. Holy shit, he giggled. It was like a moment from heaven, the sun rays were shining around him while he smiled. He's an angel, I'm telling you. A damn adorable one. "Oh my gosh, that was such a cute-" I said aloud, a bit too loud.

"A cute what?" John asked.

I blushed, and desperately tried to hide it. I looked around John to make an excuse. "A..uh.. c-cute dog?" Darnit, I'm always a really bad liar. John smirked, and put his hand under my chin, lifting it.

"You know (Y/N), you're a bad liar." He said, so damn smooth, as he inched out faces closer together. I blushed even more.

Something in my mind pushed my to do something, so I did. I smirked back a John, and told him, "You know I can't lie about an unbelievably hot guy." I said, while biting my lip. Now it was John's turn to blush. Victory. I turned away, making John speechless while I sashayed my way to Moonbucks.

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter was pretty crappy, but we're getting to the juicy parts soon ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) sTay tuNed!

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