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"So, let's start with what we know."

Jaebum gazed at the crew with piercing eyes. He glanced at Yugyeom, an eyebrow raised. "Yugyeom? You've been awake the longest, right?"

Yugyeom gulped, glancing around at the others. Jackson gave him a thumbs-up.

"Uh, yeah, I guess I have."

"What do you remember?"

He bit his lip, nervously twisting his hands under the table. "Well, I woke up outside, without a spacesuit. But I could breathe, so that means the atmosphere must be similar to Earth's, right?"

Youngjae spoke up, still tapping on his tablet. "I ran some tests and Yugyeom's right. The amount of oxygen is an exact match to Earth's."

Jaebum nodded. "So we're on some kind of Goldilocks planet then?"

The rest of the crew gave a silent agreement. Jaebum sighed heavily.

"Okay, what did you do next Yugyeom?"

"I got inside the G.O.T. through the left airlock. I tried the control room first but the doors were locked and the override code wouldn't work. So...I went downstairs to find Bambam."

The room was silent. Yugyeom watched as Jaebum clenched his fists at his sides, a stern expression on his face.


Yugyeom took a deep breath. "He told me to find Dr. Park, so I did. He was outside in the forest and he was in shock, so I carried him to the G.O.T. When I got back, Jackson and Youngjae were already there. Oh, and I took a sample of one of the trees while I was out there."

Yugyeom pulled the test tube with the bark in it out of his pocket. Mark got out of his seat to take it, but stumbled. Jaebum rushed forward, catching him.

"Are you okay?"

Mark nodded, smiling shakily. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Jaebum let go but kept a wary eye on him as he took the sample from Yugyeom. Mark was their biologist and navigator, so they let him take care of all the plant life.

"Alright, what next?"

Yugyeom continued his story. "Youngjae was passed out, so Jackson helped me take Dr. Park to the med bay. Then, Jackson went and got Bambam while I took care of Youngjae. We had to get Dr. Park back to normal first though, because we didn't know how to help Bambam. Then, after Dr. Park was better, Jackson had me take Youngjae to his room, but he woke up on the way, so I took him to unlock the doors to the control room. We got you and Mark out while Dr. Park and Jackson were working on Bambam."

Jaebum nodded. "And then we woke up. Dr. Park, how is Bambam doing?"

Jinyoung looked down at the table. "Not good, Captain Im." He looked up again, all hope gone from his features. "I managed to get all the metal out, but he still has a lot of internal injuries. I don't know how much time he has left. My only option may be to open him up again, but I'm afraid there might be too many risks."

Jaebum closed his eyes, rubbing his forehead. "Okay, here's what we do. Dr. Park, you and Jackson figure out what to do with Bambam. Mark and Yugyeom, test the sample and find any clues you can as to where we are. Youngjae, you and I will work on getting communications up again. If we contact NOVA, we'll have a much better chance of surviving this."

He gazed out at the group, at their weary eyes and unhopeful expressions. "We'll make it through this, I promise. I'm not going to let anyone on my team go, got it?"

Yugyeom looked down at the smooth table. His thoughts were stuck on Bambam.

"Okay, everyone's hands in the circle."

Jackson sighed. "Seriously Jaebum? Right now?"

Jaebum glared at Jackson. "I told you to call me Captain Im. And yes, right now. Get your asses over here."

The team groaned, standing up from their seats and heading over to Jaebum. They stuck their hands in the circle one by one, Yugyeom last.

"We're the G.O.T. 7, right? We were trained for this. Let's reach for the stars, boys."

They all nodded solemnly. Jaebum stared at each and every one of them.

"For Bambam?"

Mark lifted his chin, a new determination in his eyes.

"For Bambam."

They took they're hands from the circle, nodding at each other. "Let's do this", Jaebum said.

He and Youngjae left the room together, Jinyoung and Jackson following. Mark rubbed Yugyeom's shoulder.

"Let's go look at this bark, then."


Mark pushed back from his microscope, his chair rolling across the floor to another desk. Yugyeom was sitting at a table, tapping his fingers against the countertop.

"Yugyeom, can you bring the sample to me, please?"

Yugyeom stood up, heading to the microscope Mark had just left behind. He reached under it, grabbing the piece of bark.

"Wait, don't touch it with your bare hands-"

Mark was cut off by Yugyeom's gasp. He dropped the bark, staring at his hand with wide eyes.

"What is it?", Mark asked, urgently rushing forward and grabbing his hand. He stared at it in confusion. "You're...you're fine."

Yugyeom shook his head. "N-no, I cut my finger on some glass earlier..."

Where there had previously been an open cut, there was now only a faint scar. The two stared at it in disbelief.

"Come here." Mark pulled Yugyeom over to a machine, putting Yugyeom's finger inside and tapping on his computer. An X-Ray scan appeared on the screen.

"It's completely healed", Mark said, furrowing his brows. He grabbed the bark off the floor. "It must have some kind of fast-healing capability. Do you remember where you got this?"

Yugyeom nodded. "Yeah."

"Can you get some more?"

Yugyeom rubbed his lips together, nodding again. Mark grinned.

"We might be able to save Bambam."

fantasy by vixx is so good and they really went all out for it man this shit is lit

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