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Bambam gritted his teeth, glaring at the paper posted on the wall before him. Yugyeom gazed over his shoulder, trying to see what Bambam saw.

"Why are you saying that? We made it!", Yugyeom exclaimed, pointing at their names clearly posted next to each other. Bambam shook his head.

"Yeah, but look who also made it."

Micah. Yugyeom pouted, stepping away from the wall so other people could read it. He and Bambam started to walk away together.

"Maybe we'll get put in a different group than him this time", Yugyeom suggested. Bambam shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Why the long faces, boys?"

Bambam rolled his eyes. "Speak of the devil", he muttered as Micah stepped in front of the two of them, blocking their way.

"Congratulations on getting to the next level. I have to say, I wasn't expecting the two of you to move on", Micah said, a cocky smile on his lips. Bambam grabbed Yugyeom's sleeve, trying to shrug past Micah, but he moved in their way again.

"Why are you in such a hurry, Kunpimook?", Micah asked. Bambam clenched his jaw.

"Fuck off, Micah", Bambam growled, shoving past him and pulling Yugyeom along roughly. Micah watched them walk away.

"We'll see if you're still saying that when I'm on the G.O.T. and you're still here on Earth."


"He's such an asshole."

Yugyeom turned to look at Bambam. The smaller boy was glaring up the stars, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Why do you let him bother you so much?", Yugyeom asked. They were sitting on the roof as they always did. Most nights, Bambam was naming off constellations and Yugyeom was too busy gazing at the city lights to pay attention, but this night Bambam had spent the entire time complaining.

Yugyeom was too excited to be angry. He still couldn't get over the fact that he and Bambam had moved on.

Sure, they were top of their group, after Micah, but he was still grateful.

"Because he doesn't deserve to be here!", Bambam exclaimed. He stood up, pacing around the roof. Yugyeom watched him with raised eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

Bambam sighed in exasperation. "He's only here because he wants to impress people. He doesn't care about space or the things he'll see out there. He just wants the glory."

Yugyeom furrowed his eyebrows. "Okay...that may be true, Bambam. But we can't assume anything. Maybe he does have a valid reason for wanting to be on a G.O.T. What matters is that we try our best and look after ourselves. It won't matter if Micah makes it on a G.O.T. if we make it to the final ten, because we can just get on the next G.O.T., right?"

Bambam huffed, sitting down next to Yugyeom. "I guess..."

Yugyeom smiled. "What's that one named again?"

Bambam looked where Yugyeom was pointing. "That...that's Orion, you idiot. Everyone knows that. Do you want me to point out the big dipper to you, too?"

Yugyeom went silent, watching Bambam as he named off the constellations, telling their stories with light in his eyes. Even if Bambam was in a bad mood, he couldn't resist talking about his favorite thing, the reason he was even there.

The stars.


"Congratulations on making it to Level 2, trainees! We will be focusing on all emergency procedures you will need to know in this level. Today, we'll be going over the basics. Partner up and find a resuscitation dummy."

Yugyeom and Bambam immediately headed over to a dummy together. Yugyeom could hear Micah snickering a few feet away.

"I can't believe we're still in his group", Bambam growled. He looked like he wanted to punch the dummy.

"We'll just have to be better than him", Yugyeom replied. Bambam didn't say anything, just glaring at the ground.

"Now, I'm sure you all have a vague idea of how to do CPR. Start trying it out on the dummy and I'll come around and correct any mistakes you may make", their new instructor said.

Yugyeom and Bambam glanced at each other. "You're kissing it first", Bambam said. Yugyeom rolled his eyes, chuckling softly.

"Whatever." He leaned down, staring at the dummy's blank face. He couldn't help but laugh and Bambam joined in.

They collapsed laughing on the floor and their new instructor gave them a disappointed look, but they didn't care.


They were at dinner now, shoving food in their mouths. The food NOVA supplied was almost as bad as school lunch, but it didn't taste so bad when you were starving like Bambam and Yugyeom always were.

"So...we have the weekend off. What are you going to do?", Bambam asked, glancing up at Yugyeom. The taller boy swallowed his food before answering.

"I was going to go into the city and visit my parents. What about you?"

Bambam looked down. He moved his food around with his fork absentmindedly. "Oh, I was just going to hang out here."

Yugyeom bit his lip. He didn't want to leave Bambam by himself all weekend. He couldn't help but wonder why he wasn't going to visit his brother, but he didn't say anything.

They both went back to eating their food in silence.

After they were done, they walked back to their dorm together. As they entered the dorm area, they heard loud voices talking together. They rounded the corner, seeing who was talking.

"My dad's going to send his private jet to pick me up. We're going skiing for free because my dad knows the guy who owns the resort. Oh, hi boys."

Bambam's expression changed almost immediately. He glared at Micah across the hall darkly. Micah waved, a cocky grin on his lips.

"Let's go, Bam", Yugyeom said, tugging on Bambam's sleeve. Micah and his friends were standing a few feet away from their door and they would have to walk past them to get to their room.

"What are you two doing for your break?", Micah asked. Bambam clenched his jaw.

"I'm visiting my family, thank you for asking, Micah", Yugyeom replied coldly, still dragging Bambam along.

Micah nodded. "And what about you Kunpimook? Are you visiting family?"

Yugyeom's eyes widened, and he glanced over at Bambam. The boy was glaring at Micah, but he could see an undertone of hurt in his features.

"Actually, he's coming with me", Yugyeom interuppted. Both Micah's and Bambam's eyes widened in surprise. Bambam straightened up, giving Yugyeom a confused look.

"Really?", Micah asked, placing a hand on his hip. Yugyeom nodded.

"Of course."

big gay

also i passed the school where they filmed high school musical, im quaking

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