Blake and yang summer dreams: purple dust chapter 13

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Blake POV

I sat in the shower, the warm drops of water ricocheting off my naked body

*ugh it's summer and I have nothing to do*

I heard knocking on the door

'Um hello?'

'Blake is that you in there... I-It's yang'

'Ugh yeah I'm taking a shower what is it'

She said nothing

*whats with her*

Yang POV

*ugh what am I doing I'm stood outside the bathroom door asking my friend a question I can't even remember! what was it I feel as if it was something important like toilet paper or something*

'S-sorry i'll just leave' I said blushing


I walked off and got dressed, I then drank tea and went into my ...well less than comfortable zone

'You ok yang we all know your feeling weird since the incident' ruby said grabbing my shoulder as a small tear rolled down my cheek

'I-I just can't believe he's gone'

'It's not your fault it was the ursa'

'No I let my guard down and the ursa got past'

'The more we talk about James the worse it'll get so just leave me alone ruby' I said as tears built up

'What ever you think is best'

* 'yang listen to you're sister, you're not the reason I'm dead so just stop this nonsense and be your self'*

'I'm sorry James' I whispered staring into the puddle of tears

One week later

3rd person POV

'You think she's gotten over it' Weiss said to ruby

'No I think she's just trying to act that way so one day she'll believe it'

Yang POV

We walked over to team jnpr's dorm but Blake wanted to stay at the dorm because she hated truth or dare. I was going to stay with her but she forced me to go

We all stat in a circle on the floor and spun a bottle to see who would go first

Weiss and Ruby

'Truth or dare' Weiss said


Weiss grinned 'I dare you to eat one of yangs socks'

'W- no they smell!'

'Hey' I shouted

'You gotta do it! Yang take off your sock'

I sighed and passed her my sock

'Go on' she said pushing it in Ruby's face

She would have said no but Weiss had shoved the sock halfway down her neck

We spun the bottle and it landed on me and Nora

'Truth or dare'

'Dare' I shouted


'I know' Nora said happily

'I dare you to KISS Blake'

I sat there scared and just replied 'ok I'll tell you how it goes'

I left the room and entered my dorm

Blake was sitting there in her pyjamas she smiled and put down her book. I walked up to her and kissed her

I pulled my head back and smiled. She blushed and grabbed my face

'Wa-' I was cut off by Blake kissing me back putting her tongue in my mouth and grabbing the back on my head

I put my hand on her head too as she began sucking on my tongue. I grabbed the back of her shirt and closed my eyes

*'now you can finally rest. Yang I know how much pain I have caused you but listen to me keep this girl closer than ever before and never let her go for this is the only way to unlock the blue flame'*


Thanks for 300 reads guys

RLF bumblebee and white rose are my favourite shippings but bumblebee is my otp

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