The aftermath: purple dust chapter 3

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Authors note,

So today I have good news and bad news. The good news is that purple dust will come out every Wednesday on a weekly basis the most I'll make you guys wait is an extra week. So now the bad news my new story team HIVE will be delayed for another week sorry but I just need more time to think about the story and how it will turn out but it will come out on Fridays same rules as pd if I can't publish in time but if I just forget it will come out the day after. Ahh glad to get that out the system also I just wanna say thank you for supporting me and giving me that extra push to continue on with this and at first it was because I was bored and thought OH WHAT THE HELL and dove into the deep strange waters of wattpad but now I really like it (it's kind of a hobby actually) oh but I'm just blurting out stuff that boils your brain so as a great man once said ONWARDS AND UPWARDS!


The aftermath

Ruby POV

I was sitting on the floor of our dorm room reading a copy of weapon listening to Jeff Williams but I was interrupted by a tap on my shoulder. It was Weiss. I put down the magazine and clicked my headphones.

'Yes?' I said looking over me to see her

'Ugh,Ruby can we talk for a moment... In well private? She said with a slight crack in her voice whilst rubbing her nape

'Yeah sure I'll meet you in the bathroom after this page is that ok?' I asked pointing at the door

'Yeah,yeah go ahead' she said shaking her hands at my face

She began to walk towards the door moving the hair out of her eyes as she entered the bathroom. I finished the page I was on and went in the bathroom Weiss was sitting on the toilet playing what looked like a flappy bird rip off on her scroll. She heard the door close and put away her game.

'So what did you want?' I said slightly scared for no reason what so ever

'Oh I just wanted to ask you something, now I've been thinking lately about me and you and how we've gotten closer over the past year and have even made a strong bond between us but' she stopped and sighed ' I've been well wanting more than a close friend relationship and felt like entering a different type of relationship if you know what I mean' she stopped and looked at the ground in shame

'I don't get what you mean' I said with my head tilted

'What I'm trying to say is ... Will you go out with me?' She said whilst playing with her thumbs

I stood still with a small grin on my face and then picked up Weiss's. She looked at me with a sad puppy like face

'Of course I will Weissy' I then went in for a kiss but then the worst thing in the world happened. I woke up.

I was on my top bunk with the pillow under my lips at 5:30 in the morning on a Sunday

Once I get up I never go back to sleep so I decided to take a shower... An hour long shower because I was pretty sweaty from that dream and it was a way to kill time and in what felt like only five minutes it was time to get out. Most people where up since the only hardcore party nights are on Friday. I decided to get changed and go to the cliff because it was the perfect time to see fireflies witch you may think was odd for 6:30 but it only gets light at 8:00 in beacon. I walked to the cliff where some pick nick tables where and saw a someone sitting down with a flask I went over to find it was Blake and sat down next to her she had a camera around her neck.

'Morning rubes' she said with a flick of her wrist

'I told you not to call me that, anyway what's with the getup?' I said pointing at the camera

Purple dustTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang