Night of the second party three partys remain: Purple dust chapter 7

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Authors note,

So here we are again in the authors note thingy now then let's begin I don't know what to do or where this chapter is going so it may be boring But NEWS this will from now on focus on more of rwby instead of team jupr I know I'm a horrible person but I like this way better so tell me in the comments if you agree vote send it to your friends yada yada yada ONWARDS AND OUTWARDS!!!



Me and Nora where sitting down trying to balance as many spoons on our nose as possible I had two and she had six

'Wow your really good at this!'

'Indeed I am praying mantis!' She said

I heard a knock on the door

'Who could that be? Pyrrha isn't home till late' said Nora

I walked to the door and opened it, it was Pyrrha and Jaune. My eyes widened and I fell into his arms sobbing

'Uh Ren?' He said awkwardly

'I-I'm sorry I just missed you so much man!' I said wiping the tears and sitting on my bed

'WELCOME BACK!!' Nora said pulling a party poper

'What day is it?' He asked

'Oh Saturday the tenth of May why?' Said Nora

'Night of the second party three party's remain' I said in a deep voice

'Yeah that' he said

'Oo I'm so exited!' Pyrrha bursted out

'Now let us prepare the party to the hall!'

Ruby POV

Every one was out so it was just me and my imagination. I was working on my home work from miss Higilson and had taken a coffee break but when I came back it was already done.

Hm, I wonder who that could be. I found a note on the table

I can see you but you can't see me xxx Weiss

I began rummaging around in the dorm searching left and right until I gave up, and then it hit me my bed she's in my bed

I went up to the bed and pulled back the cover

'Kakaa!' I screamed

'Aww dang it ya caught me!' She said

'Lie next to me Ruby'

'Uh o- ok?'

I climbed in to my bed with her and she put her arm around me. She gazed into my eyes as I did to her she gave me a grin then kissed me. I grabbed her shirt as our tongues wrestled each over trying to claim the opposite mouth. I pushed back and caught my breath and was a bout to get back to kissing when she stopped me

'What's wrong?'i said wiping the sliver from my mouth

'Nothing I just now some thing better we can do' she said stroking my face

She began to take of her clothes and told me to do the same. We where completely naked. Weiss got on top of me and plunged her fingers inside of me gently tickling the walls of my pussy

'Were ba- oh my god!' Oh crap! Blake and yang had walled in on us

Weiss and I hid under the covers putting on clothes. We stepped down and sat huddled up on the floor

'We should have locked the door' I said

'DAM RIGHT YOU SHOULD HAVE!' Yang said burning our souls

'Look we're sorry can we just go to Rens party?' Weiss said

Yang was silent and walked out the room

'Yang wait' Blake said chasing after her

Weiss looked at me

'You should wash your hands' I said

'Oh right'

We went to the bathroom washed up and styled our hair

We walked out to see a steaming yang. Her eyes where red with fury

The party was good but all that was on my mind was how yang was going to torment us


0-0 ok that was a thing I guess your welcome?

RLF i read two fanfics blakes not so dirty little secret and team bane I suggest them to all!

Purple dustNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ