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“Skylar!” I heard someone yell and I turned to see my least favorite person in the world.

            “What do you want Dom,” I growled as I opened the fridge and pulled out some orange juice.

            “Time to start talking,” he snapped and I just rolled my eyes. Yeah Dom was definitely pushing his luck.

            “Dom get out of here I don’t want to hurt you again,” I muttered and he glared at me.

            “You never hurt me Skylar that was barely a punch,” he muttered and I snorted and shook my head.

            “guess you cheek thought differently,” I said and walked past him and back upstairs and into Logan’s office where Austin was already. His eyes were glued to the computer and I wasn’t sure if he heard me come in until he spoke.

            “So they’re on their way aren’t they,” he muttered.

            “Yup and I can’t tell if they are angry or not,” I muttered as I flopped down in own of their chairs in front of the desk and took a drink of my juice.

            “Well we have some time before they get here so we can get some things done,” Austin muttered as he finally turned to look at me. “They won’t do anything stupid will they?” I saw the concern in his gaze and I shook my head.

            “Not unless there is a threat towards me,” I reassured him and he somewhat relaxed.

            “So in other words keep Dom away from you.

            “It’s strongly advised,” I muttered and with that we began going through Logan’s files sorting out everything he had on the pack and all the other packs.

            “Whoa here’s your pack,” Austin said and I stopped pacing to stare at the computer. I knew the pack would be here soon and I still wasn’t sure how they would react.

            “Apparently Logan had received a threat letter from them a few years ago about them telling us to stop looking for you. Guess they didn’t tell you that we wanted you back. Apparently they wanted to keep you for themselves,” Austin half growled and I shook my head when I heard the howl of wolves.

            “Their here,” I whispered and quickly made my way down stairs Austin and the rest of the pack close on my heels. i flung open the door and sure enough they all stood there in all their glory. I was suddenly pulled into a big hug and I couldn’t help but smile.

            “So this explains everything,” Dom growled as he walked out and I stiffened as I turned to him

            “Dom get out of here,” I growled as I gave him a warning glare but he just shrugged it off and turned away from me.

            “And who might you be?” Dom growled.

            ‘I am parker alpha of the eclipse pack,” parker announced and I watched as my former pack stiffened and turned their gazes on me.

            “Uh yeah this is my new pack guys,” I muttered and the tension was thick enough to strangle someone.

            “Sahara you need to come home,” parker growled as he wrapped his hand around my arm.

            “I can’t parker I have to stay here and deal with a few things,” I muttered as I glared down at the ground. Why did this have to be happening? I just wanted a quick easy in and out of here so I didn’t have to deal with this.

i never wanted a mate but i still got oneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora