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“They are defiantly different,” Austin muttered without looking up from his work.

            “Yeah they are. I want you to be alpha Austin,” I said calmly and sat in one of the chairs while he stared at me.

            “I can’t Skylar that is your spot to clam,” Austin said and stood up.

            “It may be but I still don’t belong here. You are more than capable of handling them. I have my other pack to deal with,” I said swiftly refusing to meet his eyes.

            “Sky are you sure about this?” Austin asked as he pulled me into him. “This is a big decision for you’re to be making.” His voice was quiet and it only made my heart break more. I hated giving this up like this but I belonged with my new pack.

            “Yes Austin I’m sure,” I whispered hoping my voice didn’t crack. I could already feel the tears beginning to fall but I couldn’t allow myself to cry after seven years of not shedding a tear. I quickly pulled away from Austin and ran out of the office as quickly as possible. I almost ran in raven and he looked at me with concern in his eyes but I shook my head and ran outside and shifted as I continued to run towards the woods. I couldn’t let my true feelings show now. I made a promise to my current pack and I couldn’t break that promise.

            ‘Skylar? Where are you girl?’ I heard Luke ask through the link but I ignored him and continued to run. My paws carried me over the rough ground gracefully and the beautiful landscape passed quickly around me.

            ‘Sky we can talk about this’ Owen said softly but I just kept running. Suddenly I felt wolves surround me and I knew it was my pack. They didn’t try and stop me they just kept running alongside me without saying anything and I was gratefully for that. When my paws felt like they were going to fall off I skidded to a stop panting and without looking at my pack.

            ‘Skylar tell us what happened’ parker whispered as he padded up beside me. I kept my gaze on the ground as I tried to catch my breath.

            ‘I’m an alphas daughter and the reason I came back was because I am to become the next alpha after my brother died but I can’t leave you guys. So I gave the position to Austin,’ I said softly and I heard them all go quiet as they thought about what I had just said.

            ‘I knew there was something different about you,’ raven muttered as he walked forward and shoved me lightly.

            ‘we don’t understand how hard it is for you to give your pack up like this sky but you have to understand that we will be there for you no matter what’ parker said as he stepped out in front of me.

            ‘I love you guys,’ I sighed now relieved that they weren’t mad at me.

            ‘come on I think you scared Austin with running out like that he was going to come himself but parker thought it was better if we came and got you’ raven said as he looked at me. I looked at his black fur and sighed. My boys were definitely a powerful bunch.

            ‘okay’ I whispered and we slowly made our way back to the pack house where Austin was sitting on the front steps and quickly stood up as we approached.

            “Skylar I’m sorry,” he whispered but I shook my head at him. I quickly headed into the house and headed upstairs where I changed and got dressed. Suddenly I could hear music blaring from down stairs and I shook my head and slowly made my way down the stairs. When I walked into the living room I regretted it when Owen grabbed my and handed me a mike.

i never wanted a mate but i still got oneWhere stories live. Discover now