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“You think she’s asleep?” I heard Luke ask but I kept my eyes closed waiting to see what they were planning.

            “Oh god I hope so or she will kill us for this,” Owen gulped and I had to hold back from laughing.

            “she’s going to kill us either way guys so just get it over with so we can get somewhat of a head start,” raven whispered and that’s when I tensed. What were they planning? I laid there trying to think of what they were doing when suddenly I was covered in ice cold water.

            “I’m going to kill you guys!” I screamed as the water chilled me.

            “Run!” Owen yelped and quickly made his way for the door with the others following. I quickly climbed out of my bed and followed them. God I was going to kill them for that.

            “She’s gaining on us!” Luke yelped as he looked back to see me right on their heels.

            “If you guys just stop now there may be less damage to your faces! “I yelled.

            “Oh no way you’re going to kill us either way!” raven yelled back and kept running. When we made it to the stairs we ran down two at a time.

            “What is going on?” parker growled and the boys skidded to a halt just before opening the front door.

            “She’s trying to kill us!” Owen yelped and pressed himself against the door as I advanced on them.

            “Sky??” parker asked his voice filled with laughter.

            “They threw cold water on me,” I growled.

            “Oh then by all means do what you need to do,” parker laughed and left to go into the kitchen.

            “Parker you bastared!” Luke yelled.

            “It’s always been every man for yourself bud he isn’t going to help us,” Owen gulped before he turned back to me and gave me a small smile.

            “So umm sky I like you shoes,” raven gave a nervous laugh.

            “Not wearing any shoes but nice try,” I growled and lounged only just grabbing Owen by the shirt and pulling him down as the others made their escape.

“Hey whoa it wasn’t my idea!” Owen yelped as he held his hands up in surrender. “It was all ravens! I swear!”

            “Then you wouldn’t mind getting him back now would you?” I growled as I pinned him to the floor.

            “Sure boss what’s our first move?” Owen asked.

            “Breakfast,” I laughed and got up before I helped him up. “Cant plan a great attack on a empty stomach.”

            Owen followed me into the kitchen and I instantly froze.

            “I don’t want her here Austin she’s dangerous,” Dom shouted at Austin who sat on one of the stools. I looked at parker and he just shrugged they must not have heard him come in either.

            “I don’t care Dominic she can stay here as long as she would like,” Austin snapped and that’s when they turned to look at us.

            “Oh look speak of the devil. Why don’t you just leave Skylar your nothing but a bitch,” Dom growled and I felt Owen and parker tense but I shook my head. This was my fight and I wouldn’t let them fight it for me.

i never wanted a mate but i still got oneWhere stories live. Discover now