Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

(Lance's POV)

I knew my mate came with my pack member and close friend Ryan to the vampires house. I smelled her the moment we crossed their path on the way here. We were no more than a mile behind our Alpha Rob, and I knew he ran into his brother Ryan and two female she-wolves about two miles back. One of those she-wolves was my mate and she was running straight towards a very dangerous vampire.

I howled at the pack to pick up the pace. We rounded a bend and I was assailed with the smell of a lot of wolves. I recognized most of the scents as wolves that had previously belonged to Western-Sky but had a new pack scent to them tonight. I thought it strange, but honestly I was more worried about my mate that I had yet to meet and my new alpha.

We arrived as a combined pack of more than one hundred wolves strong. We descended on the house in a solid wall of wolves bursting through windows and doors ready to kill the Vampire within. It hadn't gone the way I would have thought. There were two Vampires not one in the house, and they were treating my alpha, his brother and more importantly my mate like puppets.

I gave the order to attack and all the wolves moved against the Vampires. They were pushing us back and continued to mind control my mate and alpha. I was losing my mind trying to get to her. Each time I moved forward the Vampire with the pure white hair would grab me by my scruff and throw me back out of a window.

The third time I came back, everything changed. The fighting stopped, and my alpha and his brother were back in human form negotiating terms. My mate was nowhere to be seen. Both shewolves that came with Rob were missing. I finally couldn't wait any longer and I burst forward and tried to grab Ryan. I hadn't expected the negative reaction from some of the other wolves in the room, before I could even explain why I grabbed him; I'd been knocked to the ground and knocked out.

I came to several hours later and my alpha Rob was sitting next to me. I asked him why the hell I was attacked and was surprised to hear the Ryan was alpha to his own newly formed pack. Then I asked where the females were. Rob looked at me a little odd then asked why I wanted to know.

I told him one of the she-wolves was my mate. I told him about the honeysuckles and warm caramel and he laughed and told her name is Lauren and that she is his, Ryan's and Lucas's half sister and that she was with Ryan and his new Luna Lily.

He also told me that Lauren was an omega and that she had little to no dignity or pride and that as an omega she had even less of a backbone. Rob spoke of her as if she was something to be embarrassed about. Then he launched into telling me about the incident earlier this evening where she had shifted back into her human form and stood naked in front of thirty plus male wolves and both vampires just asking for trouble.

I felt my cheeks flame with embarrassment and humiliation. I couldn't believe that my mate would allow the pack to view her naked and not care what any of them thought. I understood that an omega had a different take on life, but once I mated with her she would need to understand that she belonged to me and that no one else should ever again see her naked.

I'd heard more than I wanted to and decided that it was time to find my mate before she did something else that brought shame to both of us. I moved quickly and ran across the driveway shouting for Ryan. Ryan awoke and looked over in my direction and nodded at Scott who I was guessing was his new beta to let me come closer. I looked over and saw a pretty she-wolf, but knew she wasn't my mate. I kept looking around and could tell her scent was nearby but couldn't see her. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and asked Ryan

"Where is Lauren? Rob told me she's your sister and I think she's my mate. Where is she? I am going nuts."

Ryan swung his head left and right then a look of confusion crossed his face before he said

"She was right here a minute ago. I don't know why she would have left"

Not wanting to hear anymore, and really just wanting to meet my mate I let my nose show me the way and followed her scent into the woods. I was only a few feet into the woods when I picked up the white vampires scent and I knew something wasn't right. I howled to my alpha and begged him to bring some pack members to help me.

I rounded the bend and caught my first sight of him. As my nose suspected it was indeed the white haired vampire again. Just the sight of him caused my anger to boil. I wanted to rip his throat out. I wanted to leave his dead bloody body lying on the ground to rot for all eternity. I'd never been this angry before.

The anger tripled into pure black-out fury when I saw what laid before him. There was my mate naked spread out like a banquet and obviously totally mind screwed by the vampire. It was clear he intended to take what belonged to me. In that instant I became completely insane with only one goal in mind. Kill the disgusting vampire that was abusing my soul mate.

I never even slowed down as I launched myself at him. I tore into him with everything I had. My pack members stood with me and they too gave it everything they had. I was positive, there was no way he was going to survive our attack. We had more than two dozen wolves in the woods with us and more and more of both packs were joining us. We kept coming at him and had no intention of backing down. We were going to tear that frigging vampires head off and I was going to eat it until there wasn't anything left to re-grow.

But no matter how hard we fought, the vampire stood strong. Minutes turned into hours and still he stood powerful against us. It was almost as if he was playing us for fools. I started to consider the fact that this was no ordinary vampire. With his power and likely his age, we weren't going to have any luck on bringing him down. My pack members must have come to the same conclusion as I did since some of the wolves started to back off. I growled deep in my throat letting them know that I expected them to continue the fight, backing off wasn't an option.

Despite my howls, I could see my pack members slowly but surely leaving the fray. I growled again and begged through my mind link with my alpha Rob for more support. Somehow, the vampire must have felt my alpha's indecision because he took that moment to call out that he was going to start killing wolves. The moment the words left the vampires mouth I heard my alpha Rob call off the pack. I mind linked with him again and begged him not to. I reminded him of the years I stood by his side through think and thin. I implored him for the sake of my soul mate. Nothing I said made a difference. With absolute certainty and complete lack of emotion my life long friend and current alpha declined to help me. He said he couldn't lose good wolves for a hussy she-wolf and turned to leave.

His words drove me over the edge. I lunged forward at the vampire just as Rob and the other wolves moved away from us. I knew I was probably going to get myself killed but I didn't care. I was pissed off and couldn't believe the vampire tried to use my mate even if she did sort of ask for it earlier. All I knew was one of us had to die. I couldn't live with the fact that my mate was always going to grovel and be used and abused by people like this vampire. I couldn't live with the idea that she'd already lowered her standing in the pack by being naked in front of most of them earlier in the evening. I hated the idea that some might even think she asked for it from the vampire. No, I knew it had to be me or him. It was the only way the rest of the pack would ever respect me again.

I felt the vampire grab me by the scruff, and then I heard my back crack and my world started to go black. My last thought was that I was ashamed of myself. I'd been stupid to push this fight. In the end, I'd failed to kill the vampire and worse, I failed my soul mate. For in that very last moment of life I realized the problem wasn't that my soul mate was an omega, or even that my pack members would think poorly of her. The real problem was that I was an ass. I realized that I wouldn't have been a good mate since I was more worried about how the other wolves saw my mate than how my poor mate must have felt. I was wrong to care what others felt, she was all that mattered and she was better off without me.

It was in that moment I realized how absolutely perfect my soul mate was. I was such a fool and now I would never have a chance to love her. As a true omega she was a peace keeper not a warrior. She would have done whatever was necessary to save lives. Shifting and standing naked was brilliant. It stopped the fighting without a single life lost. My mate had a natural gift to calm the pack. I'm not sure anything that anyone else would have done could have been as successful as my omega soul mate. She was wronged by the vampire and wronged by me for thinking ill of her actions. I prayed to god that someone would protect and love my mate. She deserved someone a hell of a lot better than me. 

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