Part I Chapter 16 - Deal

Start from the beginning

"The lord wants to see you," she said hastily, catching her breath.

Uncle Jack wants to see me? How unusual. Did I do something? Or is it about Yoko and Harri? I would understand if he got tired of seeing those two wandering around everyday... Oh well, in all cases, I don't think I am in troubles. I turned to the two Mid Gods who were staring at me.

"I'm leaving for a bit. Be good and don't fight while I'm not watching."

They both replied with a forced smile, without saying anything. I know they don't like to be treated like children, especially since they are the older ones, but since they are behaving like children, I will treat them as such. Leaving the silly "couple" behind, I followed Ivy as she lead me to my uncle's office room. Why does she seem so nervous, though?


She stopped. She looked at me. She gave a weak smile. She took a deep breath. She knocked.

It's just a door, Ivy. What's such a big deal? Did uncle threaten you, or anything?

"My lord, the young mistress has arrived." She said with a clear and loud voice, making sure my uncle would hear her from inside the room. Hearing his voice asking us to enter, she gathered her courage to open the door.

Entering his office room, I saw my uncle sitting in his chair with his usual serious expression, as my aunt was standing at his side, looking away. Clearly, she did not want to be here.

It has been a while since I last came here. And when I say a while, I mean at least a decade. Thinking about it, I don't think that I came here again since I first visited the mansion. I don't remember much, but I think it didn't changed a lot since then. That room was my uncle's working place. As a child, I had no reasons to be here and thus, was not allowed to come here. Whenever he had something to tell me, my uncle would be the one to come to me, so today is the first time he summoned me.

Without entering the room, Ivy greeted my uncle and my aunt with a deep bow. Then, she gave me a quick glance full of pity before closing the door behind me. Uhm? Why am I pitiful? Am I in trouble after all? Thinking about that possibility, nervousness started to build up inside me.

"Did you ask to see me?" I spoke.

"Yes, have a seat." My uncle ordered, gesturing a chair in front of his desk.

I stepped forward, stopping at his desk's foot. I tried to think of a reason why I would be in trouble as I took a seat. I couldn't find any. Well, actually, there were a lot of reasons, but the timing didn't fit. Recently, I did nothing wrong. So maybe I'm not in trouble after all! Ivy must have misunderstood something! Unfortunately, my thought was soon refuted as I immediately heard something ridiculous.

"I need you to pack your things, you're leaving." Uncle Jack said, going straight to the point.


What? Excuse me? I think I misheard something. I can feel the sparks in my brain trying to connect the dots, but it just short-circuited instead. I need a loading time. Leave? Who? Me? Why? Am I being kicked out, right now? My mouth slightly opened and my forehead furrowed in confusion, I tried to study my uncle's expression. He is totally serious.

"You're leaving in three days," he added.

He really is kicking me out. It isn't like if I never planned to leave, but that is way too sudden. Before I had a chance to say something, he showed me a letter placed on his desk just in front of me, and asked me to open it, so I did.

"Do you know what it is?" He inquired.

"A letter of admittance under special circumstances to the Arcane Academy," I simply responded, reading its title.

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