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✿ 🌷 ❀ ( Nine ) ❀ 🌷 ✿

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✿ 🌷 ❀ ( Nine ) ❀ 🌷 ✿


🌻 ⑅* 🐚 ⑅* 🌻 ⑅* 🐚 ⑅* 🌻

"You're just a little ray of sunshine this morning, aren't you?" Karen remarked, taking note of how lively Kassidy seemed to be as the two of them walked through the studio's corridors. "And on a Monday morning of all days."

"Hey, I've had my minimum three cups of coffee. I am now able to be the most bloody pleasant person ever." Kassidy grinned, a little spring in her step. "And besides, it's January now. We've entered a new year, Kazza, and can look forward to all the possibilities that 2010 may have."

"How much sugar did you put in those three cups?" Karen asked with a laugh before pausing. "Actually, don't answer that."

"Wasn't going to." She smirked as they turned a corner.

"Yeah." Karen rolled her eyes before shaking her head. "Anyway, have you read your scripts for 'The Pandorica Opens' and 'The Big Bang' yet?"

"I've read 'The Pandorica Opens', but not 'The Big Bang'." Kassidy shook her head. "But the read through for them is this Wednesday." She shrugged. "Still have a couple of days. What about you?"

"Same." Karen answered. "Anyway, what time is it?"

"Nine o'clock." She answered, glancing at her wrist watch. "We probably need to speed it up a bit. We need to get to hair and makeup."

"We do have that one scene to shoot with Matt." Karen thought out loud as they turned another corner, almost running into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry." A young blonde woman greeted, her American accent ringing through as the three of them backed up from each other.

"It's okay." Kassidy waved her off, smiling before tilting her head slightly as she looked at her. "Wait... You're Emma Stone, aren't you?"

"I am." She nodded slowly, a bit surprised at being recognized so easily.

"Sorry, it just took me a second to realize it since your hair isn't red at the moment." Kassidy stated before gesturing at herself and Karen. "I'm Kassidy Gillan, and this is my sister Karen."

"Loved you in 'Ghosts of Girlfriends Past'." Karen smiled, shaking her hand.

"Oh, wow... thank you." Emma smiled.

"'Zombieland' wasn't bad either." Kassidy added.

"Well, thanks." Emma laughed, glancing at her phone to see what time it was before looking back to the Gillan twins. "Would either of you be able to tell me where I could find a Steven Moffat's office?"

𝑺𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝑳𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 ⦅ Matt Smith x Gillan!OFC ⦆Where stories live. Discover now