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✿ 🌷 ❀ ( Two ) ❀ 🌷 ✿

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✿ 🌷 ❀ ( Two ) ❀ 🌷 ✿


🌻 ⑅* 🐚 ⑅* 🌻 ⑅* 🐚 ⑅* 🌻

"As rich shall Romeo's by his lady's lie;" The actor playing Capulet said as he and the actor playing Prince moved about the stage, the audience captivated by their performance. "Poor sacrifices of our enmity!"

"A glooming peace this morning with it brings; The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head: Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;" The actor playing Prince stated, conveying the emotions of what was felt after the tragic end of star-crossed lovers Romeo and Juliet. "Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished: For never was a story of more woe Than this of Juliet and her Romeo."

With that, the lights dimmed and the curtain closed as the audience began clapping.

Kassidy watched from one of the wings as the cast of the play gathered together on stage before the curtain rose again so they could take a bow, the audience rising and giving them a standing ovation.

"You did very well, you know." Professor Millie Hayes complimented Kassidy as she came to stand right next to her, the two of them watching the cast take bows.

"Thank you." Kassidy smiled, glancing at the older woman. "And also, thank you for having so much faith in me to let me do this."

"Kassidy dear, you were one of my most innovative and successful students. I don't think there could have been a better person to take this job." Professor Hayes told her. "You should be proud of yourself. Directing a play, a Shakespeare play, no less, in London's West End at only twenty-one years old is a serious accomplishment. Not a lot of people can say they did what you've done."

"Well, thank you, nonetheless." Kassidy chuckled before looking back to the stage to watch the rest of the cast take their respective bows.


It was approximately 8:45 PM as Kassidy was in a spare dressing room while packing up her things to leave before the door burst open and arms enveloped her in a bone crushing hug.

"It was amazing!" Karen squealed, hugging her sister tight.

"Kazza, can't breathe." Kassidy managed to get out before her sister released her.

"Sorry, but that was really good." Karen smiled before sitting down on the small couch that was in the room. "You have a natural talent."

"For what? Directing?" Kassidy questioned as she turned back to the vanity so she could look at herself as she straightened out her purple lace-embroidered dress.

"No, being bossy." Karen grinned, crossing her arms as she leaned back on the couch. "Why do you think the whole cast was so on-point with what they needed to do?"

"I don't know if I should say thank you, or if I should feel offended." Kassidy pursed her lips in thought for a moment before shrugging and going about packing a few things into the bag she had. "Nevertheless, sister dear, this has been my life for the past six months. Three months of rehearsals and three months of actual performances."

"It was Professor Hayes who gave you this job, right?" Karen questioned, tilted her head.

"Mm-hm." Kassidy nodded, checking her phone to see what time it was. "Which, to be honest, was quite daunting at first. I mean, you remember when I first told you about it. You and I were three months out of school. I was still twenty when this whole production started."

"I know. I was there the first night." Karen smiled at her, standing up from the couch. "And now I'm here on the last night."

"Like the good sister I know you are." Kassidy winked at her, patting her on the cheek before then turning and putting her phone in her bag and slinging it over her shoulder.

"Yeah, speaking of being a good sister..." Karen trailed off as the two of them then exited the dressing room and started walking down the hall.

"Oh no, what do you want?" Kassidy sighed, stopping in her tracks before turning to face her sister. "You only use that tone of voice when you want something."

"Come to Cardiff with me." She said, looking to her sister with a hopeful gaze.

"Cardiff?" Kassidy raised an eyebrow before turning back to continue walking down the hall. "Why?"

"I have an audition callback there the day after tomorrow." Karen replied, rushing to catch up with her sister. "I thought that maybe you'd like to come with me. You know, be the supportive sister that I know you are. And in the case that it doesn't work out, we could do a bit of sightseeing around the city while we're there. After all, you have just finished a job yourself."

"I suppose I do have a bit of free time now that the play's run is finished." Kassidy reasoned as she and Karen came to a door that lead to the outside. "What's the callback for?"

"Something called 'Panic Moon'." Karen replied as she pushed the door open, the evening breeze rushing in. "It's for the BBC." She then walked through the door, leaving Kassidy to catch it before it closed.

"Panic Moon..." Kassidy trailed off as she pushed the door open a bit more to follow after her sister. "That doesn't sound right... Panic Moon?"

"Come on, I'm hungry! Let's go get dinner!" Karen called out from her spot by the curb as she hailed a taxi, snapping Kassidy back to reality.

Shaking her head of the thoughts suddenly swarming through her mind, Kassidy adjusted the bag on her shoulder before going and joining her sister just as a taxi pulled up.

Panic Moon...


What is meant to be always finds a way.

~ Unknown

━━ { ⋆。˚ ✨ ˚。⋆ } ━━

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Maddy Xx

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