00: Stilinski

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I was brushing my hair, getting ready for school when my phone started ringing, looking at caller ID I saw it was Stiles, smiling I answered.

"Mischief what can I do for you?" I took a seat on the edge of my bed.


"Ow Stilinski calm down!" I shouted back at him.

"Sorry sorry, it's just that tonight is the 'date' and it’s going to be really awkward okay?" Stiles rambled on about the date Scott was going on with Allison but to cover that up he invited Me, Stiles and Lydia had also decided to come along, personally I thought it would be cute because we were going to a ice rink.

"Stiles I'm going to be there it won't be awkward at all, now are you picking me up or am I walking to school?" I picked up my school bag well walking down the stairs, grabbing an apple on my way out the door.

Where Stiles was standing in front of his blue jeep with a adorable smug look on his face. I laughed and hit him on the arm lightly before climbing into the front seat, Stiles chuckled at me before going around the car and climbing into the drivers seat.

"Shut up" I said knowing Stiles was looking at me with his 'I won this fight' look.


"Damn, it's cold in here" I shivered well rubbing my hands down my arms, we were at the ice rink now, to say school was boring would be a understament, and after that I was whisked away by Lydia to get dolled up, except her outfit choice didn't acount for the coldness.

"Here Daz" Stiles handed me a red hoody, with a smile. I thanked him before slipping it on.

"Now come on" I grabbed his hand and led him to the ice rink, were Allison and Scott were being adorably cute, and Lydia was being a total show off.

I held onto Stiles as I stepped onto the ice, slipping slightly but before I could fall on my ass Stiles grabbed ahold of my arms "You really are a hazard to herself." Stiles laughed stepping next to me.

"Shut up Stilinski" I stuck out my tongue before skating ahead of him.

Before I could go over and make Stiles fall on his ass, a ear shattering scream floated into the air, I panicked looking around rapidly. Only to see the strawberry blonde Lydia, on her knees screaming at the ice.

Stiles quickly skated over to her, holding her to calm her down, a emotion I thought I would never feel about Stiles drifted through me, Jealousy.

But another thought quickly silenced the jealousy, what happened to Lydia when she got bit by that two faced assbutt Peter Hale?



Ohh some Stisy  (Daisy and Stiles)

They won't get together for a bit, but Daisy is slowing figuring out that she might feel more then friendship...

I hope you are enjoying this so far.

Sarcastic Love | XOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora