02: Sour wolf

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"So Derek is trying to poison Lydia?" I asked raising my eyebrow at Stiles who was spazzing out about how Derek thought Lydia was the Kanima.

"YES" Stiles all but shouted swinging his arms all over the place.

"Okay...I'll go talk to him then" I started walking to my car when Stiles held my arm to stop me.

"What are you crazy?" Stiles winded his eyes looking at me like I was.

"Welp yes and no, Don't worry Mischief. Derek somewhat likes me better then you" I mused sending him a smile.

He sighed but nodded reluctantly, giving me a tight hug before I got into my car.

I was the only one who called Stiles Mischief, he didn't mind me calling him it, which was surprising because not even Scott was aloud too.


When I got to Dereks creepy lair, he was siting on a chair looking at something, just as I was about to give him a fright....for fun. He turned around with a smirk on his face.

"Really Daisy? Superhearing remember" He raised a eyebrow

"Eh worth a shot, so what's this I hear about you wanting to hurt Lydia?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest, which was supposed to look intemedating.

"Oh come on Daisy you know I wouldn't hurt her unless I had too" Derek said focusing his attention back to whatever he was looking at.

"Mhmm" I walked around the damp lair to face him.

"Did Stiles send you?"

"Maybe..." I trailed on looking anywhere but him.

"That kid, has he told you how he feels about you yet?" Derek asked with a smirk as usual.

"What? What are you talking about Hale?" My eyes were squinted looking at him with confusion.

"Oh nothing nothing, tell Scott he can't stop me, if Lydia is the Kanima then I'm going to put an end to her." He got up and started walking me back to my car.

"Fine but just know that we'll fight back Sour wolf" I winked at him before driving off.

But one thing he said was making me confused, how did Stiles feel about me?


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