"He really likes you, you know," Ashton said softly. "Not ­like­-like you, of course, because I'm pretty sure that he loves me—"

"Believe me, he does," I laughed, taking a sip of my Sprite. It didn't taste all that bad.

Ashton laughed with me, and we took a seat outside on a literal water fountain. "He considers you his best friend. Shame I didn't meet you until now, but I suppose it was worth the wait. You're a really nice guy, Lucas."

I let out a small whine, drooping my head down. "Michael already calls me that; I don't need both of Mashton calling me Lucas!"

"Mashton?" Ashton asked me.

I sighed, putting my plate and cup down beside me. "Mashton: Michael and Ashton," I said, using my hands to explain everything. "Gosh, Ashton. Get with the program."

He held his hands up in surrender, laughing softly. "Okay, okay, geez. Michael and I are Mashton. I get it."

"Good," I said, taking a bite of my chocolate-covered pizza. I swallowed and put the pizza back on the plate, and I leaned back, my back almost getting hit by the flowing water. "I think I've found something 'so incredible that we have in common'."

"And what would that be?" Ashton asked curiously.

"Michael," I said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Ashton smiled at me, and he took out his phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Taking a selfie with my new buddy Luke," Ashton said, mimicking my tone, indicating that it was obvious.

"Yeah, I don't really take selfies," I muttered, trying to cover my face from the camera.

"Too bad, you're taking one with me."

"MICHAEL! HELP ME!" I yelled. I was pretty sure that he couldn't hear me, seeing as we were outside and he had a really big house.

"Selfie!" Ashton said with a smile. Out of instinct, I stuck my tongue in between my teeth, and Ashton took the picture. He looked at his phone, and he chuckled. "See?" he asked, showing me the picture. "It's a really good picture! That is so going on Instagram. I'm going to tag you; do you have an Instagram?"

Yes. "No," I said, shaking my head.

Ashton gasped. "You have to make one!" he said.


"Right now."

I got out my iPhone, and I clicked the app store, pretending to download the Instagram app. I opened it after a while, after it was "done downloading," and I cleared out my original username, 'merrickmania', and I looked at Ashton. "I don't know what username to create."

Ashton slumped his shoulders, and he rested his thumb under his chin. "Hm..." he said, thinking hardly. "What's your favorite color?"

"Blue, but I don't see how that's—"

"Favorite animal?"

"Obvious. Penguins," I said firmly.

"You're adorable like a penguin... Luke is a penguin!" he exclaimed, clapping his hands.

I nodded, typing down my new username. I put underscores, just to add the effect. Once my profile was created, Ashton put on a goofy smile. "Follow me!" he said. "My username is 'ashtonirwin'; nothing special. Oh, and Michael's is 'michaelgclifford'."

I searched Ashton and Michael's profiles, following them immediately. Once I followed them, Ashton got out his phone, and he posted the picture.

'Hanging out with my buddy @luke_is_a_penguin! x'

I smiled, liking the picture, and I went on to making my profile look presentable. It was about 10 pm now, and I thought I should probably head home. "We should look for Michael," I said to Ashton. "I need to talk to him."

"He should be coming soon," Ashton said, looking for his phone. "He's told me that it's time for Step 3..."

I chuckled, and soon enough, Michael was walking through the door. He came towards the two of us with a smile on his face. He kissed Ashton on the lips, and he patted me on the back, and he laughed to himself. "So, are you guys ignoring me yet?" he asked.

Ashton and I both smiled, but I shook my head. "You can actually skip all the way to Step 10, because I have to head home now."

Michael pouted and Ashton frowned. "At least let us drive you home," Michael offered.

I shook my head. "It's okay. I can walk. My house isn't that far," I said with a shy smile.

"Are you sure?" Michael asked.

I nodded, and I flashed a smile at him. I hugged him, and then I hugged Ashton. "Thank you for inviting me, Michael. It was nice meeting you, Ashton. I'll see you at school." Michael offered that he at least walk me out, and I obliged. We both started walking out the door, and I gave Michael a final goodbye at the threshold. I walked down the sidewalk and started making my way home.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, and I pulled it out.

lucas i'm lonely :-(

I laughed, and I instantly replied.

don't worry calum i'll save you!

took you long enough. you left me all alone!

i'm sowwy :-(

you're damn right you're sorry! supernatural isn't everything; i need to talk to youuu

haha you're so cute :-)


you're a punk rock cutie :-)

shut up

lol nah

are you using my own line against me?

you're damn right i am

stop it :-(

only if you admit that you're cute





you wanna facetime? i wanna facetime. let's facetime.

i'm okay with that :-) let me get home first

whoaaaaaa, lucas, were you out all night partying?

maybe ;-)

you're weird. get your butt home so we can facetime.

we'll facetime only if you admit you're cute :-)

fine. i'm cute, and you're an asshole. are you home yet?

yes i'm homeeee :-)


I ran to my room and get ready for bed, seeing as my parents were on a business trip, and I got out my iPod. I clicked on the FaceTime app, and I clicked on Calum's email. I ran my hand through my hair multiple times as the call rang, and I finally decided with putting on a beanie. I sat in my bed cross-legged, and I anxiously waited for Calum to answer. This is the first time we were going to talk in person, and I was pretty nervous. Soon enough, Calum answered, and I put the phone directly across my face.

"It feels very good seeing your attractive face, Lucas," Calum said with a wink.

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