The maids worked in shifts throughout the day, bringing Lúthien any new medicinal remedies the healers were working on. Sometimes if her skin would become cold to the touch, they'd bring some wood and light them in her fireplace. If she came down with another fever they'd pat her forehead with drenched towelettes. It was obvious Lúthien's condition was growing worse, she had started losing weight due to the fact that she could only consume liquids. She wasn't able to keep anything solid down.

When she was awake, Lúthien wondered where Thranduil was. She recalled a time when she was young where she came down with a fever and the maids had told her that he refused to leave. No one had the guts to tell Lúthien what was really happening, but they didn't need to. It was obvious that she was going to die soon if her body didn't start fighting. She assumed that being in her current condition took a toll on the King. That maybe she was so ill that her state of being was too much for him to bear. There was no one to blame, her condition was her fault after all.

A few days later, Lúthien was actually able to keep some bread in her stomach and by that afternoon she managed to finally rise from her bed. She stumbled a bit from not using her legs for so long, Lúthien knew her health was plummeting but she didn't realize by how much until she stood on her own two feet. And moments later she demanded that she see the King.

Thranduil panicked when the maid came walking into the library to speak to him. All she had said was that he needed to see Lúthien immediately, he didn't know what to think. When he walked through the threshold and saw Lúthien standing by the glass balcony doors, his heart completely dropped. It had been a while since he had come to visit her, Thranduil forced himself to remain in the library to read every medical book there was to find a cure. She had grown so very weak, a million thoughts began racing through his mind. But they all stopped as soon as she spoke 

"Thranduil." Her voice was so faint, it was almost like a whisper. He could see her lips tugging at the ends, she was actually trying to smile. But there was something in her eyes that sent chills down his spine.

"Lúthien." He managed, that look she had on her face was beginning to make his stomach turn

"Thranduil, there's something you need to know." Lúthien who was wrapped in a blanket, reached out and held his hand in hers. When he looked down, all he could see was skin and bone.

"Before I say anything." She paused, giving his hand a small squeeze "Just know that you're going to be alright."

"Lúthien, you're scaring me." It wasn't often the King admitted his fears

"Please understand that I never intended anything to turn out this way."

"I'm listening."

"This, everything that's going on is my fault."

"I'm sorry Lúthien but I don't understand. How is this your fault?" He questioned, his brows furrowing in confusion

"A man came looking for me one night when I was in town. I guess he recognized me, he might've been a bounty hunter. I don't know. But as soon as he saw my face, he came after me." She swallowed slowly "I ran of course, but this person was quick. Faster than I've ever seen a human run. That was when I realized that he wasn't human at all. He caught me Thranduil." He then pulled out of her fragile grasp

"He what?"

"I was down and he stabbed me with his dagger. It hurt of course but I didn't think anything of it at the time. Even though it was me who was on the ground, I was prepared to fight back. Strangely enough, as soon as he stabbed me the man let me go. By the time I was on my feet again, he was gone. So when I returned home, I treated my wound like I would with any other cut or injury."

"Lúthien you can't be serious."

"I'm fairly certain that what happened that night wasn't any coincidence. Someone was looking for me and wanted me dead. And whatever it was he stabbed me with, was probably dipped in some kind of poison or toxin. Something I'm not already immune to. And that's why I'm having such a difficult time recovering."

The King remained silent as he watched Lúthien carefully

"But I think we both know, that I'm probably not going to make it out of this one. Not alive anyway. I'm dying Thranduil, and I know that I'm appalling to even acknowledge right now. I just wanted you to know this, so you wouldn't blame yourself when the time comes."

"Lúthien please-"

"I know you're trying Thranduil, I can see it in your face and in the way you walk. You're tired and I think it's time to think about stopping."

"I won't."

"You've always been foolish when it comes down to one thing."

"And what's that?"


There was a pause between the two of them, Thranduil couldn't deny what Lúthien was saying. She was right, but he wasn't about to accept that.

"You're still a King Thranduil and you'll still be one after I'm gone. What are you going to do then?"


"No, you cannot just pretend that life will just stop. You have an entire Kingdom and people who depend on you. Thranduil you have to understand, they need you-" she started coughing and even began to fall to her knees

"Lúthien you need me as well." He said helping her over to her bed. When she finally stopped coughing and moved her sleeve away from her mouth, there were drops of blood that stained the fabric. Lúthien sighed to herself before speaking again.

"Thranduil I'm afraid."


"I fear for you. What will become of everything you have here after I'm gone. I mean things seem to be just fine ever since I left. But I'll be truly gone for good this time."

"I'm not going to tell you that I'll be alright, because we both know that it won't be so. What will I ever do without you Lurielním?" He said looking down at his hands

"You still have me, even if it's only for a little while."

Thranduil looked over at her Lúthien and studied the details of her face. He didn't know if it'd be the last time he could see those flickering flames in her eyes. Despite everything's that's happened with her, they still managed to remain lit.

"It's going to be alright Lurielním, I'm going to find you a cure. I'll continue to search until I find it. I refuse to give in so easily. For now, just rest as much as you can. I know you have the strength to fight this."  He said rising to his feet

Lúthien could see that he was in denial and he was giving himself false hope. But she remained silent.


"Will you return?"

"If that is your wish, then yes."

She gave him a small smile "Alright."


Thranduil kept his word, he did return and he remained there for a while even though Lúthien had drifted off to sleep. He had brought the medical books with him and he studied them at her desk. He wasn't giving up.

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