Suicide Squad (Don't Let Go pt 2)- All of The boys

Start from the beginning


"Momma" I whispered, tears streaming down my face. I set the note down and looked around.


The door wasnt locked. I opened it to see pills scattered and my mother lying lifeless on the ground.


"I remember crying so much that night. I was family- less and I didnt know what to do. I remember not wanting to be alive just like my mother. I didnt want to feel, but for her, I had to stay alive."


So I ran. I ran to get away, and in hope to feel. But nothing happened. 

I ran to the forest that night. I had built a tree house with my father there when he was still a part of my life. I got up to the main flora and I collapsed with sadness and exhaustion.  

The tears came again for what felt like hours.

"Hello" A voice said. It sounded sad like mine. Older but just as sad.


"I met Jin that night, and he promised to stay with me. It turns out he had been crying just as much as I had. His family had moved to a different country without him. We were family from that night on." He said smiling. 


That night I found family.

A few day later, we had been out for awhile trying to look for something to distract us from or sad situations. It was late.

I ran ahead a but to get home faster, I was cold. When we went back to our tree house home, I saw someone and so did Jin, but this wasnt a good thing.

The person stood on a bridge, oblivious to the world around him and obviously about to jump. I looked to Jin and he looked to me, the we ran. 

Jin grabbed him first and stabled him. He motioned for me to help get on the ground. i grabbed him and lay him down on the ground. He kicked and screamed. Jin grabbed his arms and I grabbed his legs. Jin and his magical voice tried calming him down and surprisingly it worked.

Then we sat in silence for awhile.

"What's your name?" Jin asked softly.

"Jungkook" the boy answered almost silently. This boy was quite a bit younger then the both us.

"Well Jungkook, we'e gonna bring you to our house and keep you some company, so this doesnt happen again, ok?" I asked. The boy nodded.

As soon as we got him home he collapsed into a deep sleep. 

Jin and I established certain  times for us to sleep and to watch Jungkook. I slept first.

When Jin woke me Jungkook was still asleep.

"He woke up while you were asleep. He told me that his foster home would beat him and hurt him. He told me he didnt want to feel such pain anymore and didnt want to be alive, then he fell asleep." Jin said in a whisper. 

This kid has gone through a lot.

I nodded and looked at him in a protective way. I wouldn't let this kid get hurt again.


"We had Jungkookie around for almost a 2 months before we met our next brothers". 

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