"Sweet red. I have sweet reds from Lys, Volantis and the Arbor!" A voice shouted out to everyone around drawing Jorah's attention as well. He watched as Daenerys made her way over with her servants and guards following her. "A taste for the Khalessi? I have a sweet red from Dorne, my lady. One taste and you'll name your first child after me."

"My son already has his name, but I'll try your summer wine. Just a taste." Daenerys spoke back.

"My lady, you are from Westeros." He commented.

"You have the honor of addressing Daenerys of the House Targaryen, Khalessi of the Riding Men and Princess of the Seven Kingdoms." One of the woman behind her pronounced.

"Princess." The man greeted and slowly going into a bow.

"Rise. I'd still like to taste that wine." Daenerys spoke with a smile.

"That?" The man said with disgust dumping out the wine that was in the cup. "Dornish swill. Not worthy of a princess. I have a dry red from the Arbor, nectar of the gods. Let me give you a cast. A...a gift."

"You honor me, ser." Daenerys let out a small laugh as she watched the man stumble to retrieve the wine.

"The honor, the honor is all mine." He countered while handing the cask over but was interrupted by he guard. "You know there are many in your homeland that pray for your return, princess."

"I hope to repay your kindness someday." She commented about his support.

"Rakharo. Put down that cask." Jorah said as he made his appearance. He had been listening in since he saw the group approach. He could tell something was off about the whole situation. First his pardon now a merchant offering a free cask. A part of him told him to stay put while the other told him not to let what would happen to the girl happen. With a quick decision he made his over to intervene.

"Something wrong?" Daenerys asked picking up on the odd behavior exhibited by the man.

"I have a thirst. Open it." Jorah spoke his eyes not leaving the merchant's.

"The wine is for the Khalessi, it's not for the likes of you." The man tried to get Rakharo to accept the cask again.

"Open it." Jorah demanded and the man had no choice but to open. "Pour."

"It would be a crime to drink this rich without at least giving it time to breath." He tried to stall the best he could.

"Do as he says." Daenerys commanded noticing the behavior he was now exhibiting.

"As the princess commands." He poured some into a cup and handed it to Jorah. Jorah lifted the cup to his nose and inhaled the smell. "Sweet isn't it. Can you smell the fruit, ser? Taste it, my lord. Tell me that is not the finest wine that has ever touched your tongue."

Jorah raised the cup but didn't let the cup touch his lips. "You first." He held out the cup to the merchant.

"Me. I am afraid I'm not worthy of the vintage. Besides it is a poor wine merchant to drink up his own wares." The merchant protested the best he could.

"You will drink." Daenerys insisted at his anxious behavior.

Everything that happened next happened in a rush. The merchant went to drink the cup but dropped it at the last second and bolted. He tried to escape but Rakharo was quicker and used his whip to tie his legs up.

Jorah escorted Daenerys out of the market quickly. Forgetting about the letters he went to retrieve, not knowing that a certain letter was waiting for him.

It wasn't till they had arrived back at camp that he remembered the reason he went to the market. He wanted to head back but right now Daenerys safety was a priority. It wasn't till later that evening when he found the opportunity to go back to the market. He could only hope that the captain was still there.

Quickly, he made his way into market and where the captain would be. Luckily for him, the merchant captain was still there. After receiving his letter he left and looked them over. He froze when he came across the letter with the Stark seal. The writing suggested it had been written by a girl and he felt nerves rush through him.

He took a breath before he opened it up. Not knowing what to expect on it.

I'm quite sure how to address this or even know what to say in it.

I will tell you, however, that it was certainly a surprise to receive a letter from you.  I've always wondered about my family seeing how I was taken as a ward so young, but the only information I received was you were a traitor. But it never settled right with me.

I was a bear raised by wolves. A Mormont among Starks. But now I'm married to one and about to bear his child. The Starks are spread out and there are forces trying to go against them.

Westeros will be at war soon and I know my place as a fighter. I just don't know how much more you can offer to me from across the Narrow Sea.

I wondered about how my life would've been different if I had stayed in Bear Island but now I need to focus on the life I live now. May one day the gods lead us back to one another.

Jaidyn Mormont Stark, Lady of Winterfell.

The letter in his hands as he thought over her words. Guilt began to rise inside him as he thought of the crimes he had done to get him banished. If had not done any of it he would've been with his daughter. No one would be able to tarnish her imagine of him. But because of his actions both their lives were changed.

She was right about one thing, there wasn't much he could do for her from across the Narrow Sea. This made him think of the royal pardon he was presented with but not it might be void since now he had saved Daenerys from the assassination.

It made him wonder if he had gotten her letter before he noticed the assassin then would it have changed his decision. Would he have let Daenerys die in order to be with his daughter?

He decided to make his way back to camp and think this over on the way. When he returned so had Khal Drogo. The leader had also been informed about the assassination attempt and went to see the assassin.

After their conversation Khal Drogo had decided that he would not only travel to Westeros but to take the Iron Throne for his Khalessi and his son.

As Jorah hear him speak he couldn't help but think of Jaidyn and how he could help her. The only option for him now to stick with Daenerys and help her achieve her dream of going home. Because if she went home then he would as well. He would be able to be with his daughter.

He would do this for Jaidyn.

The Black Bear 》Robb StarkWhere stories live. Discover now